《虞美人•黄昏又聽城頭角》納蘭性德 (1655-1685)
黄昏又聽城頭角 病起心情惡 藥爐初沸短檠青 無那殘香半縷惱多情
多情自古原多病 清鏡憐清影 一聲彈指淚如絲 央及東風休遣玉人知
《Tune: Yu the Beautiful • Evening bugles roar again on city wall》Nalan Xinde
Evening bugles roar again on city wall
Being sick my spirit is in downfall
Medicine bubbles in the boiler besides a red candle
The mixed scent evokes varying thoughts in muddle
Strong feelings had always risen from lingering illness
In the mirror I see myself a weak shadowy likeness
A note from the Song of Moments triggers tears to flow
Oh east wind do not carry this news to let my lover know