《臨江仙•寄嚴蓀友》納蘭性德 (1655-1685)
別後閑情何所寄 初鶯早雁相思 如今憔悴異當時 飄零心思 殘月落花知
生小不知江上路 分明卻到梁溪 匆匆剛欲話分攜 香消夢冷 窗白一聲雞
《Tune: Immortals by the River •To Yan Sun My Friend》Nalan Xinde
After your departure I have no one to show my affection
This pinning from spring to autumn leads to no satisfaction
My present languish is not only due to solitary
Longing is like falling petals waving in the air
Only the fading flowers know the pain where
I know not the road south of the Yangzi
Only where to find you at home
We meet chat and hold hands long till we say adieu
Sweet dreams turn cold
The window is white and cocks crow