魯迅詩選譯 __ 江紹倫


Two Untitled Poems  Lu Xun

大江日夜向东流    聚义群雄又远游
六代绮罗成旧梦    石头城上月如钩

The Great Yangtze flows east day and night
Daring youngsters gather to go abroad for insight
The spirit of the Six Dynasty alive not in dreams
O’er this Rock City the crescent moon shines not dim

雨花台边埋断戟    莫愁湖里余微波
所思美人不可见    归忆江天发浩歌

Revolting braves are buried at Yu Hua Nanjing’s door
On Mo Tsou Lake the revolution spirit thrives
Heroes I admire are seen no more
In their memory I sing loud facing the sky

湘靈歌 (1931.03.05)LH3

昔聞湘水碧如染    今聞湘水胭脂痕
湘靈妝成照湘水    皎如皓月窺彤雲
高丘寂寞竦中夜    芳荃零落無余春
鼓完瑤瑟人不聞    太平成象盈秋門

The Xiang Spirit (1931.03.05)

The Xiang River was once pure green
Now blood stained its water is red cream
The Xiang Spirit solemnly gazes at her flow
The pristine waters reflect pink clouds frost
Isolate terrors loom in the dead of night
Fragrant flowers wither spring is not in sight
Drum beats and lute tunes their music never fold
In autumn the west gate’s peace images are only for show


大野多鉤棘    長天列戰雲
幾家春裊裊    萬籟靜愔愔
下土惟秦醉    中流輟越吟
風波一浩蕩    花樹已蕭森

No Title(1931.03.05)

Enemy swords dance furiously on our noble land
Dark clouds of war loom with no hint of end
Here in my homeland vernal breezes are for the minority
Sufferings and restrictions reign over the majority
Alas my people are content in dreams of past glory
In today’s mainstreams joyful songs only in memory
With the unlimited persecution of free expressions
Social conscience and narration of free will are in desolation


慣於長夜過春時    挈婦將雛鬢有絲
夢裏依稀慈母淚    城頭變幻大王旗
忍看朋輩成新鬼    怒向刀叢覓小詩
吟罷低眉無寫處    月光如水照緇衣

No Title(1931.02)

Spending spring amid long nights of fear
I take refuge with wife and son grey hairs appear
In dreams I see dimly my mother in tears
On the city gate a new flag daily appears
How tormenting that my peers die front and behind
In wrath I seek out meek verses amid woods of sword
I chant lowering my bow finding nowhere to speak my mind
Whence my grey coat is showered by cool moonshine

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