“Rediscovering the Divine: My Spiritual Journey” is an article by Teresa Yu, sister of John余蔚廷 (’65), Marcus余蔚文 and Louis余蔚琪 (both ’67). She had taught both at Smith College and Simon Fraser University.
Click here to read the article.
“Rediscovering the Divine: My Spiritual Journey” is an article by Teresa Yu, sister of John余蔚廷 (’65), Marcus余蔚文 and Louis余蔚琪 (both ’67). She had taught both at Smith College and Simon Fraser University.
Click here to read the article.
The notion of divinity arises from teleological ideas. We and our fellow humans, earth or universe may not be unique.
Life on earth depends on the sustainability of nature, the longevity of which is determined by collective anthropological activities. Hence, human survival on earth is pretty much in his own hands.
How we live as individuals is not always concerted or harmonious in a family, and nothing close to an ideal Utopia. In each personal journey, to live with enjoyment and little regret could be desirable.