This has to do with “do a good turn”, “to do my duty to God”, “Wah Yan Spirit”, and “man for others”…….; all those meaningful “mottos” I learned from WYK and from scouting under 11th Kowloon Group.
In my 2011 photo journal to Guizhou, I mentioned in passing that I met this little girl whom the Rose Society was supporting through high school. Here’s the whole story, brought up to date, that I wish to share with you all.
Good work and congratulations
Are you sure you did not learn all these good qualities from your parents and familiy and community too, beginning from the time you were born?
Thank you for your very kind comment.
Yes, I absolutely agree with you. There is no doubt my parents molded my personality, especially my mother who was a fervent Buddhist. But without WYK and the Jesuits there who taught by their living examples, and the dedicated teachers during my era (1959-65), and the scouting training, I honestly don’t think I would be where I am today. I may be far richer, who knows, but I would not know what the “Wah Yan Spirit” truly means, let alone passing it on. Beginning from the time I was born, or even before, someone looked after me, and throughout my life. That I didn’t learn from my parents; I learned it from the WYK Jesuits.
Thanks again, Vincent
Dear VCP,
Empathy stems from identity of self, originating from humanity without borders. You are applauded my many, except the ultraconservatives.–YK