1 thought on “狄恆神父 – 感動香港

  1. “How to vote for Fr Deignan
    As there is a mandatory rule of 10 votes per ballot and if you choose to cast your ballot online daily, you are advised to put Fr. Deignan on each daily ballot but the other 9 candidates should be rotated among the remaining 25 nominees. This way, Fr. Deignan will have the highest scores among your total ballots. If the same 10 candidates appear in all your daily ballots, the dominant advantage enjoyed by Fr. Deignan will be cancelled out.
    Please note that anyone can vote once each day. Since the voting period covers 2 months (12 September 2011 – 13 November 2011), Fr. Deignan can have a maximum of 60 votes from each voter. So please encourage everyone to vote on line every day. Anyone with a HKID card and a telephone number can vote.
    Please also note that you have to vote 10 candidates on each ballot, any number less or more than 10 will be void. ATV says every voter would have the chance of winning some prizes for having participated in the voting.
    Please encourage all students, alumni, parents, friends and their family members and colleagues to vote online every day until 13 November 2011. We do not only want Fr. Deignan to be one of the 10 winners, but also the one with the most viewers’ votes.
    By Dominic Lee”

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