7 Tips to Host a Successful Online Meeting

There’s just no substitute for good manners in all of our daily interactions, and they’re certainly appreciated more than ever in workplace meetings. There are some age-old guidelines that comprise good meeting etiquette — being on time, maintaining eye contact, paying attention — and applying those same principles to our video meetings can go a long way toward a productive business environment. It can also help elevate your personal reputation into “great meeting host” territory.

Traditional business meetings are too often considered unproductive because there are so many delays and interruptions. Reliable, easy-to-use video conferencing platforms like Zoom have helped to restore meetings’ reputations, but there are still ways to ensure all of your attendees get the most out of the allotted time.

Some of the most common-sense meeting decorum — avoiding eating and drinking, minding your body language, and being respectful to whoever is speaking — are no-brainers. So here are seven additional etiquette tips to help ensure a focused and effective Zoom Meeting….. (read the whole story)