《古琴飯局》 __ 陳柏齡 (71)


開始時是舊同學,新朋友。轉眼幾年,變成了熟朋友,有些還成了好朋友。究其原因,實乃拜社交媒體所至。Whatsapp 有照片,有聲音,有視頻。還可以天涯海角亂吹一通:勁歌金曲;時事評論;職業生涯;旅行出差;家庭孩子….應有盡有。到 最後,同學間互相調侃,哈哈大笑起花名:狀元,一公,大學士,鐵路家,雀王,神醫….我被群內的真博士冠以「塵扑士」之名,我欣然接受。當不了博士,當「扑士」也好,念高一個音而已。


《The Third World Poor_A Summer series of Reflections (4) Final》 __ Ernest Yau (65)

Dear Friend:

As summer draws to an end, I am reminded of the Irish tune The Last Rose of Summer, learnt in Jesuit High School in Hong Kong decades ago, that carries an air of sadness and loneliness, the poet’s lament as a sole survivor of the loss of loved ones.

This is Part Four of the summer series on the Third World Poor.
