Returning Swallows__江紹倫

Returning Swallows4_1

Swallows always return here in spring
They delight seeing flowers bloom along the lane
Gliding beneath the eave they flex their wings
Mud in beaks they build nests for the young to live in
Flying in pairs they contest in precision not speed
Once their young calls for feeding they toil indeed
Parents take turns bringing nourishment from fields and hills
Generations repeat the same love and care by Nature’s will



(一)  The Last Rose of Summer

Lyrics: Thomas Moore (1779-1852)
Music: John Stevenson (1761-1833)






[ 收到來稿,同日 2013年9月2日見 信報  練乙錚 (’68) 氣短集  () 夏日的最後玫瑰 ]


Seamus Heaney✝ 1939-2013

Heaney’s Nobel lecture, in which he offered insights into his poetry, can be viewed at YouTube


It is December in Wicklow:
Alders dripping, birches
Inheriting the last light,
The ash tree cold to look at.

A comet that was lost
Should be visible at sunset,
Those million tons of light
Like a glimmer of haws and rose-hips,

And I sometimes see a falling star.
If I could come on meteorite!
Instead, I walk through damp leaves,
Husks, the spent flukes of autumn,

Imagining a hero
On some muddy compound,
His gift like a slingstone
Whirled for the desperate.

How did I end up like this?
I often think of my friends’
Beautiful prismatic counselling
And the anvil brains of some who hate me

As I sit weighing and weighing
My responsible tristia.
For what? For the ear? For the people?
For what is said behind-backs?

Rain comes down through the alders,
Its low conducive voices
Mutter about let-downs and erosions
And yet each drop recalls

The diamond absolutes.
I am neither internee nor informer;
An inner émigré, a grown long-haired
And thoughtful; a wood-kerne

Escaped from the massacre,
Taking protective colouring
From bole and bark, feeling
Every wind that blows;

Who, blowing up these sparks
For their meagre heat, have missed
The once in a lifetime portent,
The comet’s pulsing rose.
(From “North”)


The main thing is to write

for the joy of it. Cultivate a work-lust

that imagines its haven like your hands at night

dreaming the sun in the sunspot of a breast.

You are fasted now, light-headed, dangerous.

Take off from here. And don’t be so earnest.

(From “Station Island”)


On 80th Birthday__SL Kong

Today is my birthday I’m eighty
I think of my Mom giving me birth a deed mighty
It was at a time of war and sorrow
Everyday Mom said was a day borrowed
There’s the usual jubilation of a new-born to the family
The hardship of bringing me up in scarcity was not a worry

The eighty years of my experience were quite extraordinary
Wars deaths dislocation and change required adjustments many
We lived through threats struggle and hope supported by sheer ingenuity
Under my parents’ protective wings I had luck and freedom plenty
I learned more from practical challenges than schools which was intermittent
My aspiration and achievement carry the Chinese cultural imprints incessant

Read More.

My Study__江紹倫

1_12My Study

Layers of books and scrolls mark encounters memorable
This quiet small room beckons ideas and people global
On-line systems enable me to access the world in finger-tips
Reading playing music and chess are delightful acts indeed
Here I listen in quietude to heavenly tunes as clouds fly
Even space limits allow my mind to roam free and wild

My Humble Abode__江紹倫

My Humble Abode6_1

Dwelling in a serene environment is my habitual liking
Carefree in quietude is enjoyment knowing not days passing
Washed by rain the spider net is clean and bright
Every spring swallows return to their homestead right
I often invite neighbors to share bamboo beauties
Calling my wife to brew cups of tea finest
Calendar dates and clock hours not in my interest sphere
In solitude I sit waiting for the moon to appear