Tang Poems__荊叔, 柳中庸, 李益

Jing Shu_1On the Ci En Pagoda__Jing Shu   荊叔

To whom the hills and rills of the Han Dynasty now own

Great Emperor Chin’s tomb is deep with wild grass overgrown

Girding the central plateau plain a thousand li of mountains loom

Every inch of this terrain stands witness to human sorrow and moan

A Soldier’s Complaint__Lu Zhong Yong   柳中庸Lu Zhong Yong_1

I fought at GoldRiver and JadePass year after year

Each day I held my sword on my steed I fiercely reined

Three springs in a roll soldiers’ tombs are covered by snow

Mother River girds the Black Mount for miles its water yellow

Pipe Music at Surrender Town__Li Yi   李益Li Yi_1

Sands on the foot of Mount Hui Le is white as snow

Above the Surrender Town the frosty moon hangs high

A pipe song lingers from where’re no one knows

Warriors lie homesick awake throughout the night