No Need









(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

No need crying
No need grieving
The world is still the same
If you have sorrow
Keep them, bear them
Till you are insane

No need hoping
No need waiting
Fate is only a chance
If dreams come true
Treasure them, remember them
You may not be so fortunate hence

No need hating
No need blaming
Life is never too bad
If you can love
Give them, share them
People will appreciate that

No need to be depressed
No need to feel deserted
If you get no reward
We are born, just
To give, to care
Not for anything in return

So, no need crying
With no regret
Even if you cannot change this world
Open your heart
Plant a seed
For this mad, mad, mad, mad world








 (Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

四週, 靜悄悄的。
一座又一座的孤墳, 在立着, 在無聲無淚的立着。
但, 在它之下, 是哭泣, 是無情, 是絶望, 是死亡。
在它之下, 是個巳活過的生命, 一個或許在街上碰過的生命, 一個陌生而又親切的生命。
天, 又刮起了狂風暴雨, 洒向人間惡毒怨恨的血雨。
看, 那是個九歲女孩, 一個生於九一一, 剛開始的生命, 一個充滿希望, 活力, 前途的新一代, 突然被暴力所屠殺。
讓天下人同哭一聲, 揮淚頓作傾盆雨。
一滴一滴的淚, 築成了一個又一個的孤墳, 直至滿遍大地。
一座又一座從淚而生的孤墳, 在立着, 在靜靜的立着。

The Empty Chair

(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

If I Had a hammer
(Words and music by L. Hays and P. Seeger)

If I had a hammer
I’d hammer in the morning
I’d hammer in the evening … all over this land,
I’d hammer out danger
I’d hammer out a warning
I’d hammer out love between all of my brothers and my sisters
All over this land.

If I had a bell
I’d ring it in the morning
I’d ring it in the evening … all over this land,
I’d ring out danger
I’d ring out a warning
I’d ring out love between all of my brothers and my sisters
All over this land.

If I had a song
I’d sing it in the morning
I’d sing it in the evening … all over this world,
I’d sing out danger
I’d sing out a warning
I’d sing out love between all of my brothers and my sisters
All over this land.

If I’ve got a hammer
And I’ve got a bell
And I’ve got a song to sing … all over this land,
It’s a hammer of justice
It’s a bell of freedom
It’s a song about love between all of my brothers and my sisters
All over this land.








Light One Candle   (by Peter Yarrow)



It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. – Chinese proverb

Light one candle for the terrible sacrifice
Justice and freedom demand
But light one candle for the wisdom to know
When the peacemaker’s time is at hand

Don’t let the light go out
It’s lasted for so many years
Don’t let the light go out
Let it shine through our love and our tears

Light one candle for the strength that we need
To never become our own foe
And light one candle for those who are suffering
Pain we learned so long ago

Light one candle for all we believe in
That anger not tear us apart
And light one candle to find us together
With peace as the song in our hearts

Don’t let the light go out
It’s lasted for so many years
Don’t let the light go out
Let it shine through our love and our tears

Don’t let the light go out
It’s lasted for so many years
Don’t let the light go out
Let it shine through our love and our tears

What is the memory that’s valued so highly
That we keep it alive in that flame?
What’s the commitment to those who died
That we cry out they’ve not died in vain?

We have come this far always believing
That justice would somehow prevail
This is the burden, this is the promise
This is why we will not fail

Don’t let the light go out
It’s lasted for so many years
Don’t let the light go out
Let it shine through our love and our tears

Don’t let the light go out
It’s lasted for so many years
Don’t let the light go out
Let it shine through our love and our tears

Don’t let the light go out
Don’t let the light go out
Don’t let the light go out

With Regret, Chief Blair

(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

You just happened to be in the wrong place.

No fun to be the Canadian Police nowadays, eh.

Cry of police brutality was everywhere; in Vancouver, Toronto and even Ottawa.

A Vancouver policeman pushed a female citizen with multiple sclerosis to the ground, simply because she touched him while walking too close to him, in her awkward gait. He was only now been charged, many months after.

In Ottawa, video tapes showed Ottawa police kneed and stripped search a female, and kicked a homeless man. The Ottawa police chief did admit, they do have a problem and is looking into it, stay tune.

In Toronto, the Ontario Ombudsman Andre Marin released a report “Caught in the Act”, charged that the G20 secret law passed by the Ontario government and enacted by police, with brutal force, is illegal. The massive arrest and beating of peaceful protesters by no-name policeman and woman, were recorded on video tapes and photographs.

Do you still remember Officer Bubble, the utube famous policeman, who threatened and later, actually arrested a female bubble-blower?

Chief Blair, you just happened to be in the wrong place. If you are in China, the government will already be flexing their muscle for you.

G20 5M type of law was common practice in China. Look at Liu Xia, Liu Xiao Bo,’s wife, was already under preemptive house arrest, soon after Liu was announced as the winner. Or a 5000KM law, for Liu’s academic friends, warned not to leave the country, effectively prevented them to attend the Oslo ceremony. And all these, without any outcry from its citizen. They did not utter a word of protest.

There, you don’t have to hide your name tag or badge number, or threaten any peaceful bubble blower, just utter something like “My dad is Lee Kong”, then everything will be all right. Even the families of any policeman will be served and protected, for their own interest, with iron fists. No need to raise a baton.

Don’t worry; even if you stay here, there are still options available. For example, you can always run for the next federal election as a star candidate.

For now, yes we understand, you just happened to be in the wrong place.

The Top Ten Ways to Plug a Leak

(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

1. Stick to the obvious. “No Comment” is still the most commonly used and reliable vocabulary of any politician.

2. Start each cable/email/correspondence with a Declaration: The following communication may contain hot, smelly, and explosive content. Viewers discretion is advised.

3. Another attempt with “wash your hands” tactics: start with this, “Don’t know if it is true or not, but here it is anyway”, OR “is there any merit in this? Please comment!”

4. Call the Plumbers, the White House Plumbers [a], that is.

5. Apply Leak Ender 2000, the miracle leak sealer [b] .

6. Follow Mayor Ford’s shining example. Stop the gravy (gluey) train (leak), declared “War on the Car” (Info Super Highway) is over. We are going underground.

7. Divert attention, start another war (Korean?)

8. Follow the advice of an ex-Harper advisor [c] .

9. Hello magazine, National Enquirer, Entertainment Tonight, 八卦雜誌 ………, ladies and gentlemen, here is our latest, the brand new Gossip Girls (and Guys) show, the politically correct WikiLeaks.

10. Wear a Pamper.

[a] The White House Plumbers, sometimes simply called the Plumbers, were a covert White House Special Investigations Unit established July 24, 1971 during the presidency of Richard Nixon. Its task was to stop the leaking of classified information to the news media. Its members branched into illegal activities working for the Committee to Re-elect the President, including the Watergate break-ins and the ensuing Watergate scandal.

[b] The miracle sealer that stops virtually any leak immediately! Great for gutters, pipes, walls, pools, flashing, roofs and more! (a TV commercial)

[c] Mr. Flanagan, an ex-Harper advisor, now a Calgary University professor, made his comments on CBC’s Power and Politics show Tuesday evening. In a discussion about the significance of the leaks, Mr. Flanagan said: “I think Assange (of WikiLeaks), should be assassinated, actually. I think Obama should put out a contract or maybe use a drone or something.”


(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

翻箱倒篋找東西。在抽屜底, 卻見到幾條舊手帕。在手帕的一角, 還綉有我英文姓名的第一個字母。那些手帕, 該有三十多年的歷史了。

曾記否, 那羅蔓蒂克的故事, 淑女看上了紳士, 但又不好意思茂然對話, 惟有拋下手帕, 紳士連忙拾起, 物歸原主, 因而交談起来, 引出了一個電影的愛情故事。


年青時, 出入都會帶有手帕, 這是清潔的行為。天氣炎熱, 汗流夾背, 就要取出手帕抹汗。傷心慾絕, 痛哭流涕, 又會拿出手帕。傷風鼻塞, 更會出動手帕, 矯鼻涕。

曾幾何時, 衛生專家認為, 手帕是傳染疾病的媒介。每當病人傷風流涕, 用手帕來矯鼻涕, 用完又放回衭袋或手袋, 結果就容易傳播病菌。

手帕漸被途汰, 取而代之, 就是紙巾。

當然淑女不能再利用紙巾来作媒, 但紙巾卻清潔衛生, 使用方便。每次用畢, 就立即棄丢, 不會再傳播病菌, 大大提高了市民的健康。

現在每到傷風季節, 只見人手一包紙巾, 呼嚕地, 一張一張地”包雲呑”, 然後順手一擲, 又一張。

甚至在進食時, 孩子們嘴角弄污了一點, 就立即用紙巾一抹, 擲去, 再咬幾口, 又是一張新紙巾。結果飯後, 滿枱都是紙巾, 又覺浪費。

不得矣, 妻子下令, 推行家庭環保運動, 實行紙巾配給, 規定每張紙巾, 都要撕半, 分次使用。



(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

According to Wikipedia, “Malingering is a medical term that refers to fabricating or exaggerating the symptoms of mental or physical disorders for a variety of “secondary gain” motives, which may include financial compensation (often tied to fraud); avoiding school, work or military service; obtaining drugs; getting lighter criminal sentences; or simply to attract attention or sympathy.”

This is a very common and widespread phenomenon, from the much jokingly used “I have a headache”, to a hoax as in “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”, to the disgusting cancer fakers.

The medical community is full of such tales.

While in medical school, a professor told us this: A man came into the emergency department, complaining of back pain. He walked with a significant limp; his back bent and was in constant pain. Examination and X-ray showed nothing. He was diagnosed as malingering, and sent on his way. To be sure, our good-hearted doctor followed him out of the hospital, and observed. For a few blocks, he was still limping, dragging his leg. Our professor was almost ready to call him back to the hospital, when suddenly, he straightened up his back and marched quickly onward and disappeared into the night.

On another occasion, while interning, an old man was admitted to hospital for investigation, complained of general weakness. To our amazement he used his hospital bed as a hotel room, disappeared in the day time and showed up only at night, came and went as he wished. When he was in, he was constantly on the phone, conducting his business. We were ready to discharge him, but by then, we discovered that he really had a medical problem, a type of slow progressing blood cancer. As soon as we broke the news to him, he was quite indignant and immediately signed himself out of the hospital. When malingering became a real condition, he refused to accept and face the consequences.

And then there were those infamous patients, who were frequent visitors to the emergency departments around town, carrying with them letters from doctors stating that they have certain chronic disease that required pain medications. As soon as they arrived, we usually heard about the warnings throughout the department right away, and be on our guard.

Occasionally we have the professional patient who seemed to know the medical textbooks thoroughly, and can fool any well-knowledge doctor; they proudly displayed their surgical scars to prove their tales, but obviously with no actual findings. They are the un-avoidable Munchhausen’s. It is a disturbing psychological disease. Most of them refused proper psychiatric treatment when confronted.

And then every day in their office, physician faced the many drug addicts, seeking pain-killers and other prescribed drugs. They invented stories and believable clinical histories and symptoms, just to get a prescription to satisfy their habit. Early in my practice, there was this Dutch ophthalmologist, daughter of a patient of mine, who was visiting from Holland. She gave a history of certain cancer that led to a bone fracture of her back while horseback riding. I referred her to a specialist, really concern about the seriousness of her illness. A few weeks later, I received the consultation report; the specialist found no signs or symptoms of any cancer but discovered the lady was addicted to drugs. Contrary to her advice, the father remained my patient for years.

A warning to those cancer fakers, eventually when the real wolf strikes, by then, no matter how loud you cried wolf, nobody will believe you, and you will be left all alone in this world, a pathetic tragedy of your own making.

Top 10 Reasons Why Man in Disguise

(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

G&M — This bizarre case happened a week ago on an Air Canada flight from Hong Kong to Vancouver.

Several hours into the trip, a male passenger went into the bathroom elderly and white – his face wrinkled, eyes scrunched nearly shut, only a few wisps of white hair clinging to his otherwise bald scalp – and emerged a fresh-faced, young Asian.

The man is currently being detained by the Canadian Border Services Agency. He filed a refugee claim as soon as he arrived in Canada, according to the agency’s alert.

It is unclear how the man got through passport control or why he disguised himself to get on the plane.

Why? Here are  Top 10 Reasons Why.

1. That is Tom Cruise’s test run for Mission Impossible 4
2. He forgot to take off his Halloween costume before boarding the plane. He was on his way to the Campbellford Halloween party
3. Canada Custom missed out on all the other young looking guys on the plane. A strange thing happened while crossing all the different time zones.
4. Another time Traveler, just returning from “Back to the Future”/ Chaplin’s Circus
5. It’s Iggy the Superman, caught in the process of changing identity/costume, trying to boost up his poor ratings (see picture below)
6. A once in a lifetime tour from HK. The Trip of the Fountain of Youth. Boarding as an old man and got off the plane  a young guy. A dream for us baby boomers comes true. Thank you fairy godmother!
7. Air Canada, I demand to know what the flight number is. When is the next flight?
8. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
9. 時光倒流 兒時可再 以此與為證印者矣
10. !@#$%&* I can do anything I want. 「我爸是李剛!」

Hey, wait a minute, just read the other article, My Mediterranean Cruise. Here is the actual reason.

11. It’s John Fung, just back from his Mediterranean Cruise. In his own words: “I traversed over 6000 years of history and witnessed the grandeur of four magnificent civilizations: Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Byzantine.”  There, I rest my case.


(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

世界上萬事萬物, 都有其模式, 連餐館食客座位法, 也有其一定形式。

先説那邊的一對。卡座本来都是兩邊的, 濶濶落落, 但他們倆卻要迫到一邊来, 肩碰肩, 糖黏豆般貼在一起, 這是孖公仔式情侶座位法。

但那廂又不同了。還是男女一對, 就各佔卡位一邊, 正襟危坐, 中規中矩的。一望而知, 他們是第一次初會, 是初哥座位法。慢慢来, 希望有一天, 也能變成靠邊坐,單一卡位。

再遠些, 就是小家庭座位法。一家四口, 佔一張四方桌, 嘈吵得不亦樂乎, 爸媽都忙着喂孩子, 一分鐘要汔水, 另分鐘卻要上厠所去。飯菜弄滿一檯一地, 受侍者之冷眼而還不自覺。

另一張大圓檯, 圍滿了食客, 男女老幼, 不下十多人, 都擁擠到這張檯来。大家手肘碰着手肘, 互相牽制, 連起筷也有點困難。但這是大家庭制, 全家福座位法, 要濟濟一堂, 不容分開的。

在那角落, 只見兩大份報紙, 遮在面前。一對中年男女, 南北兩方, 各自為政。此是無聲勝有聲的老夫老妻座位法。説話多年以前早巳交待清楚, 現在一切都是盡在不言中。

在貴賓廳裡, 傳来陣陣笑聲, 喧閙聲, 猜拳聲, 真是熱鬧萬分。加上衣冠繽影, 珠光寶氣, 人影叢叢, 這是大排延席, 豪門盛宴的座位法。

但在另一角落, 就顯得很清淨了, 只有一個人, 自傾自飲, 也是其樂融融, 不覺寂寞, 此是獨行俠座位法。

那邉卻是個奇異組合。在一大圓檯, 就坐了三組人搭檯。大家互不理睬, 我行我素, 實行與外界隔絕, 正所謂: 同檯食飯, 各自修行也。