《Ten Talks on Poetry Appreciation: 3_曹操_曹丕_曹植》__ Kong Shiu Loon (53)

(3) Poets of the same family

In the annals of Chinese poetry, there had been famous poets in the same families, like father and son, husband and wife, brothers and sisters. But, because of varying environments, the contents and moods of these blood-related poets, such as two brothers, may differ markedly.

We begin with Emperor Cao Cao 曹操(155-200)……

His two sons were also poets of distinction. They were, however of different characters. The older son Cao Pi 曹丕(186-226) was keen on amassing power. The younger Cao Zhi 曹植(192-232) was a prodigy, and contended to be a good poet.  Continue reading


Henry Ku (56)                               Tam SP (56)


【譚湘溥(多倫多)與古匡昌(夏威夷)同為九華,葛師同學又同期担任童軍領袖,共為旺角區,九龍地域服務.於木章訓練系統合作無間.及後在總會担任各職譚湘溥為人忠厚, 温文爾雅, 古匡昌則性格不同,喜怒不藏,性急氣燥,如今雖是耄耋老人, 相隔異地  仍合作學詩。】

《All’s Well that Ends Well》__ Henry Ku (56)

Blessed Are Those Who Suffer …

It was the most gut wrenching decision any parent had to make.  But, no alternative was available.  Uncle Him had been pacing the little space between the bed and the door to their tiny room, and Aunt Lin just sat there, looking blank, numb to everything.  They had to sell some of their children.

Since the surrender of Hong Kong on that fateful Christmas Day, 1941, many had been forced to leave the city for their villages in nearby China.   Sadly, on arrival, most found that there was no land to farm and no relief of any kind.   They simply perished and disappeared.  Some did not even make the journey, unburied where they dropped.

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《Chinese Tales for Everyone: Myths and Legends_10-生肖》Kong Shiu Loon (53)

Myths and Legends
(10) The Rat and the Ox

     Ancient Chinese astrology was a mathematical estimation of cosmic events based on the moon calendar and time. It began in the Han Dynasty about 200 BC. By coincidence, the 12-year Zodiac Cycle (生肖) is an approximation of the 11.86-year cycle of Jupiter, the largest planet of the solar system.
    To enable convenient and interesting calculation, the ancient Immortal Sage decided to attach an animal to each of the 12-year cycle. A person born of a particular year, say, the year of the dragon, will have the dragon as his/her zodiac sign.
     The Immortal Sage had chosen the 12 animals. He began to place them in positions when he heard the rat and the ox argued loudly.

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