Red Deer River, Alberta, Canoe Trip Photos: 2010 & 2011

For those who are interested in following up with our recent water and land adventure, here are the complete set of all three albums, captioned, from Bonbon Hu, Edwin Tse and Vincent Lee, respectively.

For comparison, I am also including two albums from our last year’s trip on a different section of the Red Deer River in May, 2010.
A few background notes:
– 2010 May, we had 4 canoes, 8 people.  We camped first night in wilderness, river side; second night at Big Valley, then drove down to Drumheller, due to bad weather, to camp at commercial site.
– 2011 July, we had 10 participants: Vincent Lee, Sigmund (son), Ariane & Ian (daughter & hubby from Vancouver); KC Li (DC), BB (Van.), Edwin (Montreal), Leslie & Helena Chang (Hong Kong) and Kevin (son, a WYK grad., flew in from London, England where he is studying).  Quite a collection of widely scattered boys and girls.
The central “glue” is, of course, our WYK65 scouting fellowship.
Our personal defences, down; our mutual tolerance, at highest …; fun was what we were after; fun was what we HAD!- We were out there for 4 days and 3 nights, along the mid section of the Red Deer River.  Started from where we left off last year (Big Valley), ended at the same site in Drumheller.- We had 5 canoes, used 3 vehicles, 5 tents, used 2 fixed campsites, and 1 wilderness site (not pre-determined).- In May 2010, water level was very shallow and clear, often we had to get off the boats to push.
  We had rain, high wind, and were cold after sunset.
This year, due to heavy rain in the spring and early summer, we had deeper, muddier and faster flowing river.- This year, we were extremely lucky to have had very good sunshine and great cooling wind; no mosquitoes while in the water; minimal to moderate numbers on land.

ALBUMS (Please click the images)

2010, May.  Red Deer River Canoe Trip:  Content Bridge to Big Valley to Drumheller.

(1)  Taken by VPC .



(2)  Taken by BB:
2011, July.  Red Deer River:  Big Valley to Drumheller:
(1)  Taken by SIGMUND, Caption by VPC :
(2)  Taken by EDWIN the Artistic Photographer, Caption by VPC:
(3)  Taken and Caption by BB  
Hope you have as much fun going through them as we had taking them!