《Cross Canada Coast to Coast — Day 2》__ Bonbon Hu (65)

Mt Robson

Mt Robson

June 1, 2014.

I had a very good sleep at Best Western Motel in Valemount last night. Went to the lobby and got 2 complimentary coffees first thing in the morning. I took off at 7:15 am.

I left early because the weather forecast said that it will rain more later in the day. It was beautiful crossing the Rocky Mountain through Mt. Robson to Jasper. It has snow capped mountains on two sides as I travel east through the valley. Many of the mountains have multiple small glaciers. It never ceases to amaze me to see water on high mountains, such as lakes at 1,150 m elevation.Some lakes are so calm that I can see perfect reflections of mountains and trees inverted images. Some lakes are so buffeted by wind that it has some small white caps.

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《Cross Canada Coast to Coast (CCCC — Day 1)》 __ Bonbon Hu (65)

I kissed my newlywed bride, Margaret, farewell this morning at 8:15 am. This is our 14th wedding BB1anniversary. 

I started my trip by going east to Hope, and then head north on Hwy 5 in BC. 

It was interesting once I passed Hope (not beyond hope!), because I entered the mountain ranges.

Coquilhalla highway

Coquilhalla highway

Going north on the Coquilhalla highway at the summit, there was still snow on the road side. Five days ago, it actually snowed a few mm of snow on the summit. So, within a few hours, I was traveling from Vancouver at sea level to 1,475 m elevation at the summit. 

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15/15-day Motorcycling Adventure by Bonbon Hu (65)

Monday, August 10, 2009 (Day 15)

The last but not the least day.

Lillooet Circle Tour

We left Williams Lake in good spirit, and good weather. The planned route was down Hwy 97, then Hwy 1 to Vancouver. Several of us were thinking of going on Hwy 97, then to Hwy 99 and coming back through Pemberton/Whistler way for a more fun twisty ride, and more importantly, not so hot in temperature. I was all set to do that for the final leg.

Therefore, Granny Don, I didn’t go through Cache Creek. Sorry, no answer about Jimmy’s Restaurant for you.

Lillooet Panorama View

About 30 Km south of Lillooet, my onboard computer was flashing red warnings. I knew something was serious wrong. I was on slopes and fairly high speed. By the time I had stopped at the side of the road, I had identified it as a tire puncture. Then I saw, Dr. Mike Whitfield, the Paediatrician, riding by. I flagged him but he didn’t see me. I got on the bike and chased him through the hills for 2 Km (on a flat tire) and passed him and forced him to stop. The reason I was doing that was because for 2 weeks, he had made it known that he carried a tire repair kit and a tire pump. I thought that he might have been my saviour. He helped me using the mousse/silicone stuff and pumped up the tire. Unfortunately the puncture of the rear tire was simply too huge.

We were not in cell phone signal area.

Then John Valk rode by, and we flagged him down. He rode back to Lillooet to use land-line phone, trying to contact Randal in the support truck. Remember the support truck was going along the planned route of Fraser Canyon. Well, Randal’s truck was not in cell phone signal area. After a long while, John got hold of Randal on the cell phone, and re-routed him over to our area. It was very nice of John & Mike to stay with me under the 30C sun and clouds of insects for 3 hours waiting for the support truck to arrive. The reason the support truck was late was because it had its own transmission problems which wouldn’t let it accelerate properly.

Anyway, we loaded my motorcycle onto the trailer and tied it down. I was riding in the truck with Randal all the way to Vancouver. We arrived, truck and all, at about 7:45 pm. By the time Margaret took me home, it was almost 8:30 pm. The journey has ended. The “new” tires only lasted 3 weeks and almost 6,000 Km. You can imagine that we rode through some pretty rough terrains.

The bike was in John Valk’s shop, and hopefully, tomorrow they will do a do-over and replace anything that needs replacing.

Insight of the day:  Stay in cell phone signal areas. Stay in well travelled and serviced routes.

Ah, sleeping in my own bed.

14/15-day Motorcycling Adventure by Bonbon Hu (65)

Sunday, August 9, 2009 (Day 14)

Burns Lake

Williams Lake, city and valley

It has been a beautiful day. We left Burns Lake at 8C, and arrived at Williams Lake at 24C. Mostly sunny, some overcast. Lots of highway repair, but good to ride on asphalt again. It is a relatively short ride, 460 Km.

I stopped by places like, Vanderhoof, Prince George, Quesnel. I was going to take a 200 Km detour to Barkerville, east of Quesnel, since I heard so much about it as an old pioneer town. Then I remembered, I spent 2 days at Dawson City and saw it all.

Prince George

As we were beginning to get closer to “civilization” as we travel today, I had some real food for lunch at Prince George, MacDonald’s 6 piece MacNugget Meal. It was good! Ha Ha.

This is the last night on the road. We went to the hotel’s restaurant to have group dinner again as we had every night for the past 13 evenings. Then we walked to Dairy Queen about 200m away. John Valk treated us to ice cream dessert. Then we had a drinking party at the parking lot. We know tomorrow we are all going to go different directions and speed to get home. So Day 15 is mainly riding on your own.

I got a compliment from Robert D. He was with me in Baja 2005. He said Chris & he used to shake their heads when they followed me then when I was riding the curves. He said that I am doing very well now. (Hello! I have 4 more years of riding experiences since then.)


We will be travelling about 550 Km tomorrow to get home around rush hour! However, the weather forecast says super hot afternoons on our route >33C. I think I may detour to the Pemberton/Whistler Hwy 99 way which is forecasted at ONLY 28C, and also with the sun on our back instead of going west on Hwy 1 facing the hot sun. The hottest place will be near Lilliooet.

13/15-day Motorcycling Adventure by Bonbon Hu (65)

Saturday, August 8, 2009 (Day 13)

Even though we thought we were well rested, the scheduling threw us off. Getting up at 4 am (Alaska time zone), and be on the bike by 6 am didn’t do the brain much good. I was so dozy that I had to stop at the side of the road, and ate some KitKat to wake up by 10 am even though we had Grand Slam breakfast at Denny’s at Terrace at 8:30 am.


Prince Rupert Bay

At Prince Rupert, because it was an Alaska ferry, we had to clear Canadian Customs in order to enter. I think they put the junior trainees here. They asked all the standard questions and very slowly, such as any weapon, alcohol, tobacco, $10,000 cash, etc etc.


The weatherman would have a very good day with us today. At Prince Rupert, we had 16C and drizzling. At Terrace we had rain and 18C. At Hazelton, we had sunshine and 19C. At Smithers we had hail (about 1/2cm diameter) and 12.5C. At Houston, we had overcast and 16C. At Burns Lake, it was raining and 11C. The forecast tonight is thunderstorms and 4C. Fortunately, tomorrow looks good.

These northern towns are all the places that I have heard often. I am glad that I finally have a chance to visit them. The towns get bigger and more prosperous as they get more southward.

I think the 8 riders are starting to get sick of each other. I was mainly riding on my own. Thank goodness for the GPS. The scenery was great. It must be the rain……the forests look so “green”. BC is truly beautiful.

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12/15-day Motorcycling Adventure by Bonbon Hu (65)

Friday, August 7, 2009 (Day 12)

I had the most sound asleep last night. I thought the light didn’t bother me when I slept, but last night I was alone in the inside cabin with almost total darkness. Or it could be because that I only had clam chowder and crackers for dinner last night, because the food was so bad.

Sarah Palin

Juneau, Alaska

Juneau, neighbour of Petersburg

Wrengall Channel

I didn’t even know that the ship docked at Juneau last midnight. I missed my chance to say hello to Sarah Palin.  Oh, Sarah had left the building!! This morning we docked at Petersburg, Alaska. Palin might have thought that she could see Petersburg from Juneau and that it was Russia! Next stop: Wrangell, Alaska. The ferry went through the very “inside” channel, called the Wrangell Channel, nicknamed Pinball Channel. For 26 miles of very narrow channels with numerous buoys marking the way, the ferry had to negotiate in slow speed left and right multiple times. The cruise ships just cannot go through this, and they have to go to the more outside of Inside Channels, which means 200 more miles of sailing. The ferry docks near the downtown of these towns, e.g. in Ketchikan, not the same places as the cruise ships dock. Therefore, more pubs and less souvenir stores.

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11/15-day Motorcycling Adventure by Bonbon Hu (65)


Thursday, August 6, 2009 (Day 11)


Today, we were supposed to ride 9 Km from the motel to the ferry terminal. We were supposed to check out of the motel at 11 am, and be at the ferry terminal at 12:30 pm for the 3:30 pm sailing. The continental breakfast at the motel was terrible. Yet, we were not losing weight, because the diet during this trip were high fat and high carb. We had since found out that the ferry was going to be 3 hours late. I did the whole town by foot in less than 1 hour. I guess it was a good time for forced slowing down and relaxation.

Some of us were going to the habitat to see the bald eagles. Over the years, I have seen enough of them at Point Grey and Ladner so I wasn’t interested.

I would be bored stiff if I have to live here. According to Bruce, who was born and raised in Euclelet, said that the town life was so limited that everybody knew everybody in great detail. There were constantly Payton Place type of happenings. He moved out at age 17.

That is why I was amazed at my friend, Dr. Ron Pearson, happily living in Whitehorse. It turned out that he was from Victoria. He chose the lifestyle of Yukon, and set up his life in Whitehorse as soon as he graduated from UBC. He loves all the outdoor activities, hunting, fishing, camping, kayaking, ……etc. He took me to his cottage which was a tiny old log cabin. The history was that during the Klondike days, that was a RCMP observation post at the lake front. He loves spending time at the cabin, really roughing it. But when his daughter turned 13, she demanded a “washroom” and no more outhouse. He started building a separate building for her bathroom. There was no building design or code. He started and then added a huge garage for all his dirt bikes, ATVs, skidoos, kayaks, old car that he was going to restore, cross country skis, fishing gears, camping gears, hunting gears etc. You can imagine how big it is. Then there is one bathroom and one bedroom. But he still prefers to live in the log cabin and going to the outhouse.


His first wife raised huskies (30 of them). He did a dog sleigh mail delivery in the winter for 120 Km one year.

One of his daughters has a horse ranch and leading tourists to 2 – 3 days horsing expeditions. One daughter breeds horses and has 120 acres near Whitehorse. One son, graduated in business, is running all the business aspects of Ron’s dental practice, so Ron just works and plays. He has another daughter that does business administration also. He has divorced, and is with this lady in common law.

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10/15-day Motorcycling Adventure by Bonbon Hu (65)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009 (Day 10)

It has been a beautiful day. We only caught may be 30 minutes of rain, and the rest of the time was cool.

Haines Junction - Alaska Highway

We left Whitehorse, and rode on the Alaska Hwy until Haines Junction, and then headed south. That is the south-western part of Yukon.

At the Shell station there, it was run by an oriental looking couple. The man, about 55 years old, was the cashier, and the woman looked at the old 13” TV on some program like Big Long Gold serial soap opera. I made conversation. There were so surprised that I am Chinese. They said they have never seen a Chinese motorcyclist in that area in years. The closest that they came to were some Japanese motorcyclists. The man was from Hong Kong. The wife was from Taiwan. They were retired! They just operate the gas station for a few months in the summer and then go to their children in Toronto.

Haines Junction

Going south we then cut through the north-western part of B.C., Going further south, we entered Alaska. Now we were again on the third time zone of our trip. The section from Haines Junction to the US border was great. We were riding up and down the mountains, going from snow peaks to meadow valleys. We had 360 degrees of mountain ranges surrounding us, some with glaziers and ice packs. Spectacular. The sky was partly cloudy. The sunlight peeks through the clouds with beams of light projecting to the ground.

Purple flowers

See attached photo. If you can name the purple flowers, you win the botany prize of the month!

In Haines, Alaska, it is also famous for its huge

American Bald Eagle

 population of American bald eagles. They are majestic in their flights and their hunts. We were watching the seagulls getting in their ways, and wondering how long they are going to live.

Haines is a fishing town in a fjord. It is not a tourist place. The only

 importance is that the US State Ferries load from here. We are surprised to see a small cruise ship, Holland America Statadam, docked in port. The bigger cruise ships, such as Princess, dock on the other side of the fjord in Skagway, which we visited last year on the Rhapsody cruise.

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