From Carmel Tse (75) of London, Ontario
On Nov. 17 and 18, HK-TVB News broadcasted two days in a row a report on the Hong Kong Audit
Commission’s finding on the lack of financial accountability at some schools under the Direct
Subsidy Scheme (直資學校).
Even though Wah Yan is not a DSS school, the newscast devoted a substantial amount of footage showing the buildings of WYK.
I have filed complaints to the Broadcast Authority and TVB news. Here is the text:
“This is a complaint to the Broadcast Authority of Hong Kong against TVB News’ reports on the lack of financial accountability of schools under the Direct Subsidy Scheme on November 17 and 18, 2010. The newscast on both days showed footage of Wah Yan College, Kowloon, S.J. while mentioning the Audit Commission’s report on the lack of financial accountability of DSS schools.
Even though Wah Yan College’s name was not mentioned on both days, the substantial duration of the footage implies that Wah Yan has a problem. Please note that Wah Yan College is not a DSS school and the school administration has very a stringent process of being financial responsible. The footage is both misleading and libelous.”
I encourage all Wahyanites to do the same.
Broadcast Authority’s email address is:
TV-News complaint site is