賦得古原草送别 (唐) 白居易

離離原上草    一歲一枯榮
野火燒不盡    春風吹又生
遠芳侵古道    晴翠接荒城
又送王孫去    萋萋滿別情

Farewell by the Ancient Grass Plain    江紹倫譯

Grass grow on this ancient plain wide and far
They thrive and wither once every year
Heath fires burn but in vain
A touch of vernal breeze they thrive again
Their fragrance penetrate paths swept by wind
They adjoin towns in ruin bright and green
I’ve come to bid you farewell once again
Grief overwhelm like wild grass on plain

1 thought on “賦得古原草送别 (唐) 白居易

  1. 【賦得古原草送別】 唐·白居易
    离离原上草, 一岁一枯荣。
    野火烧不尽, 春风吹及生。
    远芳侵古道, 晴翠接荒城。
    又送王孙去, 萋萋满别情。

    Grass on Ancient Plain: A Farewell Song
    Bai Juyi
    How the grass covers the plain without end!
    Wildfires can ne’er burn the grass down at all.
    Each year they wither and grow back again;
    As spring winds blow, they rise and will stand tall.
    Their fragrance invades the forsaken pathway;
    Their vibrant green the ruined fort borrows.
    Again, you’re leaving for a place far’way;
    Like the o’ergrown grass, I’m full of sorrows!

    (tr. frank c w yue)

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