君不見走馬川行雪海邊 平沙莽莽黃入天
輪台九月風夜吼 一川碎石大如斛
隨風滿地石亂走 匈奴草黃馬正肥
金山西見煙塵飛 漢家大將西出師
將軍金甲夜不脫 半夜軍行戈相撥
風頭如刀面如割 馬毛帶雪汗氣蒸
五花連錢旋作冰 幕中草檄硯水凝
虜騎聞之應膽懾 料知短兵不敢接 車師西門佇獻捷
Seeing General Feng off on His Western Expedition 江紹倫譯
Behold the Dashing Horse River flows on a sea of snow
The desert stretches wide its expanse only the horizon knows
Up the Wheel Tower autumn gales roar throughout the night
On river bed even broken rocks are big like dou
Carried by winds rocks fly everywhere wild
The Huns steeds are plump and strong when grass grows tall and yellow
Dust and smoke rise from battles west of Golden Mount
Where our generals lead the army fast to combat ground
Eager warriors keep their metal armours on while they rest
Ready to advance at midnight sharp spears in their best
Frigid winds like sharp swords slash faces inducing loud screams
Dashing steeds sweat their manes are on steam
Ice rolls down from horse back like floral shower
Inside the tent inkwells freeze the commander can only issue verbal order
Enemy cavaliers should be afraid of such a fierce campaign
They dare not cross swords with our warriors nor allowed to complain
Victory reports are expected to reach commander Feng at Westgate