
《To Li Cao in a Drizzling Evening》 Wei Yingwu

楚江微雨裡  A light drizzle along the Yangzi River
建業暮鐘時  The Evening toll in Nanjing sounds near
漠漠帆來重  Broad sails moving leisurely following the rain
冥冥鳥去遲  Homing birds fly slowly on laden wings

海門深不見  The sea gate is away too far to be seen
浦樹遠含滋  Nearby trees are moist with rain
相送情無限  Seeing you off I feel infinitely sad
沾襟比散絲  Tears run through my robe like silk fleece wet

《To Secretary Yuen on the Yangzi》Wei Yingwu

淒淒去親愛  Sadly we parted my dear loving friend
泛泛入煙霧  Drifting slowly my boat enters mists and fogs hence
歸棹洛陽人  Bound for Loyang where my family dwells
殘鍾廣陵樹  I leave behind the Gangling knells

今朝此爲別  We bid each other adieu this morn my friend
何處還相遇  Where shall we meet again and when
世事波上舟  Destiny shifts like a skiff on waves
沿洄安得住  If we merely follow there will be no chance to stay

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