《新年作》劉長卿(709-780)《Written on New Year’s Day》 Liu Changqing
鄉心新歲切 Approaching New Year’s Day my homesickness grows
天畔獨潸然 Tears are usual in this distant land as time unfolds
老至居人下 In old age I regret being under the commands of generals
春歸在客先 Spring recurs to my chance of going home remains unsettled
嶺猿同旦暮 How I loathe spending my days with only monkeys in sight
江柳共風煙 Amid winds and mists my only friends are willows at riverside
已似長沙傅 Captive like the prince’s teacher in the Capital
從今又幾年 How long will I be bound to this place how old