相見歡 《虞美人》 (南唐) 李煜 (937-978)


Translation by YK Chan

Happy Together: In the tune of “Beautiful Lady Yu”
Li Yu (937-978)

Would spring blossom and autumn moon ever stop to recur,
as numerous old stories in me already made a stir?
When balmy air breezed at night into this humble chamber again,
under moonlight I couldn’t bear to recall my fatherland.

The opulent palace at Jinling shalt still stay,
where pretty maids with rouged faces and all but fade.
How much grief can I hold at bay,
when it rolls like the vernal Yangzi on its easterly way?

相見歡 李煜 (937~978)

無言獨上西樓 月如鉤

剪不斷 理還亂
是離愁 別是一般滋味在心頭
The Western Stair
-to the Tune of “Joy at Meeting”
   tr. By Father John Turner

Alone and silent up the Western Stair
A sickle moon hangs there:
And in the court below
One lonely tree is lapped in cold autumn air.

Shearing will not sever – no,
Nor sorting disentwine their woe,
When lovers part.
Sure ‘tis a special savour in the heart.
Silently I Ascend the West Tower Alone

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