Circle of Friends – Seniors

As part of our Mon Sheong’s community services, a membership club for the seniors called the Mon Sheong Circle of Friends –Seniors (孟嘗之友-長者會所), or Senior Circle (長者會所) in short, was introduced on August 10, 2011. The intention of the new membership club is to help our seniors in our local community as much as possible and to provide a Centre where they can find friendship and care. It is a Centre where they can occupy themselves by participating in activities organised specially for them such as morning Tai Chi exercise, health dance, Karaoke, ping-pong and even mah-jong.

Anyone, who is 50 or above, is welcome to join as a ‘registered friend’ of our Senior Circle. To become a “registered friend”, simply submit a completed registration form with an annual fee of $20. The annual fee is refundable if cancellation is made within the first 30 days from the day of registration. Friends of the Circle can enjoy our Centre’s facilities and participate in our many activities, programs and seminars. Many of these are free while some may require a minimal cost. Friends of the Circle will also receive a 10% fee discount for any paid recreational course (course descriptions) held at the Centre. For details, please visit our website  or contact our Centre at 416-297-5883.

For August and September this year, the Centre will be open to seniors free of charge. Please come and try out our new facilities with your parents, grandparents, and friends and learn more about our Senior Circle.

~ Mon Sheong Community & Volunteer Services Centre Committee


孟嘗長期護理中心現正招募大量義工, 主要協助餵食, 活動,及文書工作.有興趣人士,請聯絡孟嘗會義工服務部, 電話: 416-291-3898內線3130 簡小姐.
為增進閣下對孟嘗會各項設施及服務之了解, 請蒞臨孟嘗義工中心參觀
地址: 2020 McNicoll Avenue

2010 Terry Fox Run

WYKAAO once again participated in the annual Terry Fox Run; this year marked the 30th anniversary of the event. The weather was one of the best in recent years for the walk/run. After a brief introduction by the event organizer and speeches from the dignitaries, we were off for a refreshing morning walking exercise. Starting from the Old Unionville Library, we strolled along a route that is mixed with park areas, boardwalks and natural habitats (click here to view the pictures). Thanks to our 60 generous supporters, the WYKAAO team has raised over $4,900 this year for the great cause!