水調歌頭 蘇軾

明月幾時有 把酒問青天 不知天上宫闕
今夕是何年 我欲乘風歸去 又恐瓊樓玉宇
高處不勝寒 起舞弄清影 何似在人間

轉朱閣 低绮户 照無眠 不應有恨
何事長向别時圆 人有悲歡離合
月有陰晴圓缺 此事古難全
但願人長久 千里共嬋娟

Tune of “Prelude to Water melody” 江紹倫譯 

Whence will the moon shine this way again
I ask in earnest a wine-cup in hand
Where-in the palaces high up in sky
What year could it be tonight
I’d love to return there riding the wind
But I fear where these towers and jade palaces are in
The chill and altitude are too much for my liking
Dancing with my shadow in tow
I feel ’tis a better place here with people I know

In the ornate mansion red
Behind lowered drapes embroidery spread
Such glare kept me sleepless in bed
I should have no lingering spite or hate
O Moon why do you always shine when people separate
Among men sorrow joy separation or togetherness are but normal life state
For you Moon there are times of shade or shine fullness and wane
None had always been perfect since time immemorial 

Let’s keep our love true everlasting
And share the moon bright and trusting

Remembrance in Mid-Autumn – to the tune of “Barcarole Prelude”
translated by Father John Turner

“When did this glorious moon begin to be?’
Cup in hand, I asked of the azure sky:
And wondered in the palaces of the air
What calendar this night do they go by.
Yes, I would wish to mount the winds and wander there
At home; but dread those onyx towers and halls of jade
Set so immeasurably cold and high.
To tread a measure, to support with fleshless shade,
How alien to our frail mortality!

Her light round scarlet pavilion, ‘neath broidered screen, down streams
On me that sleepless lie.
Ah, vain indeed is my complaining:
But why must she beam at the full on those that sundered sigh?
As men have their weal and woe, their parting and meeting, it seems
The moon has her dark and light, her phases of fulness and waning.
Never is seen perfection things that die.
Yet would I crave one solitary boon:
Long be we linked with light of the fair moon
Over large leagues of distance, thou and I.

水调歌头 (宋)苏轼

今夕是何年。我欲乘风归去, 又恐琼楼玉宇,


Shui diao ge tou (Prelude to Water Music)–Su Shi

Translated by YK Chan 10 September 2008

When will there be a bright shining moon?
With a wine glass in hand I ask heaven.
In the palace high up and above,
I know not which year it is tonight.
I wish to ride the wind to return there,
but fear in such fine jade buildings
I can’t stand the chilly altitude.
Dancing along with my vivid shadow,
it’s nothing like home on earth.

Moonlight wraparound on the crimson pavilion,
lowly it shines at the ornate windows and
glares on the sleepless. Ought not to bear grudges,
for what a full moon shines always at parting?
Men grieve or rejoice, separate or reunite;
the moon dims or shines, waxes or wanes.
Such affairs hardly fulfil since the dawn of time.
Nevertheless, well wishes to us forever,
sharing the same elegant moonlight from afar!

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定風波 (宋) 蘇軾 (1036~1101)

莫聽穿林打葉聲    何妨吟嘯且徐行
竹杖芒鞋輕勝馬    誰怕    一蓑煙雨任平生

料峭春風吹酒醒    微冷    山頭斜照卻相迎
回首向來蕭瑟處    歸去    也無風雨也無晴

Tune: Calm Wind and Water
            tr. By SL Kong

Fear not the forest wind and rain beating on leaves
Advance surely forward singing aloud your mind at ease
More than horses straw sandals and cane I depend
No fear
A straw cloak is all I need to battle life’s mist and rain

Drown in shrill drink I welcome the warmth of venal breezes to make me sober
Chills I feel
The sun on hill top its enduring ray envelops me all over
I turn to reassess all events of my dreary past
Home now
Storm, wind or shine imperious

念奴嬌 赤壁懷古 (宋) 蘇軾(1036~1101)

大江东去 浪淘尽 千古风流人物
故垒西边 人道是 三国周郎赤壁

乱石崩雲 惊涛拍岸 卷起千堆雪
江山如画 一时多少豪杰

遥想公谨当年 小乔初嫁了 雄姿英发
羽扇纶巾谈笑间 强虏灰飞烟灭

故国神游 多情应笑 我早生华发
人生如梦 一尊还酹江月
Memory at Crimson Cliff  (to the tune of Remembering Palace Maids)  tr. by S L Kong

The big river flows east
Awashed with its waves gone are so many heroes forgotten in history
Where on the west bank the old fortress stands
Premier Zhou Yu of the Three Kingdoms won at the Crimson Cliff his fame append

Jagged boulders extend high to pierce the overhanging clouds
Thundering waves serge to carve out the river banks
Rolling up a thousand mound of froths white as snow
For a motherland with such picturesque beauty
Many a gallant soul braved battles to show loyalty

I recall Premier Zhou Yu in yore
His new bride present he beamed to display his manhood people so adore
Wearing a silk hood and waving his plume fan he watched amid laughters
In witness of his planned victory the enemy boats were reduced to ashes

On a revisit in mind and spirit this land so eventful
Only the heroe’s premature grey hair made his loved ones to feel regretful
Life is but a passing dream
O moon to yi I drink
For your witnessing history calmly while shining on us your crystal gleam

和子由澠池懷舊 (宋)蘇軾 (1036~1101)

人生到處知何似    應似飛鴻踏雪泥
泥上偶然留指爪    鴻飛哪復計東西

老僧已死成新塔    壞壁無由見舊題
往日崎嶇還計否    路長人困蹇驢嘶

A Duet with My Younger Brother on the Good Old Days        tr By S L Kong

Who could fore-see how life goes settling hither and wither
It would be like a migrant goose running on snow-wet ground to take flight
If by chance on the cold muddy ground a trace is left so bright
Would the flight-bound bird venture to note its whereabouts so it may later titter

Gone is our good friend the monk now replaced by a dagoba among many
The poems we wrote on the temple wall are seen no more with the decay if left with any
You may recall the arduous journeys we had made together
They were so distant and weary even our donkey brayed half way to say it would not bother

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