Thank you for all the thoughts of yours that fly in from both the East (who caught the shocking news over TV) and those early birds in the West who caught it over the Internet.
I am alone in Nikko, Japan, but I am safe. I am in good hands. The host of my family guesthouse is a senior experienced in dealing with earth quakes. All I need is to follow his instructions. The crisis handling situation is also very mature in Japan.
According to my host, Japan usually brushed off earthquakes that are 6.x magnitude. This time when it is 8+, it is serious. One of the nuclear plants has a shut-down problem. The people in that area has been asked to evacuate.
My host corrected me that Sendai is NOT on my way to Tokyo….so once the train resumes, I can get back to Tokyo (no airport in Nikko). In Tokyo, the subway service has resumed. People are inspecting and repairing train tracks overnight. So, hopefully, I can find my way back to Tokyo tomorrow.
The quakes are going on (now I am used to them!). There is non-stop TV broadcast on the quake, tsunami and situations over the whole country.
I don’t think I will continue the rest of my journey in Tokyo. I will simply hang around my hotel. I chopped my bunk-bed hostel stay in Tokyo (before I came to Nikko) because I don’t like it (not clean to my standard). The rest of the trip….and more….next time!
Once again, thanks for all the help, advice and kind thoughts.
Am brain-dead, dead tired being out in the open cold for the whole day. Need to sleep soon. (My host says it’s safe to sleep upstairs. I asked him should I stay in this common room the whole night (as there are hard tables for shelter)!
Good night.