雨霖铃 (宋)柳永(987~1054)

Tune: Bells Drowned By Rain                      江紹倫譯

寒蟬凄切        Cicadas tuned dreary in the cold
對長亭晚        We sojourned at the pavilion till the evening is old
驟雨初歇        Showers over

都門帳飲無緒      Under the city gate we drank in dull mood
留戀處                 Lingering
蘭舟催發             Your departing boat tooted 

執手相看淚眼     Hand in hand we gazed at each other in teary eyes
竟無語凝噎         With congealed sobs words come not to say good bye

念去去                    Ahead as you go
千里烟波                A thousand li of waves and mist lie
暮靄沉沉楚天闊     Clouds are heavy in the boundless southern sky

多情自古傷離别   Those deep in love must suffer parting sorrow since days of old
更那堪冷落清秋節 Especially parting in the autumn cold

今宵酒醒何處       Where will I be after tonight when becoming sober
楊柳岸                  On banks of willows
曉風残月              Moon resigning in day-break breezes

此去經年                   With you away for years
應是良辰好景虚設     All bright days and pleasing scenery here will exist in vain

便縱有千種風情       If I should ever coquette in a thousand ways
更與何人說             To whom should I show my feelings anyway

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