八聲甘州 (宋)柳永(987~1054)

對瀟瀟暮雨灑江天  一番洗清秋

漸霜風凄緊        關河冷落    殘照當樓

是處紅衰綠減      苒苒物華休  惟有長江水  無語東流

不忍登高臨遠      望故鄉渺邈  歸思難收

嘆年來蹤跡        何事苦淹留

想佳人  妝樓顒望  誤幾回  天際識歸舟

爭知我  倚闌干處  正恁凝愁


Tune: Eight Beats From Ganzhou Music    江紹倫譯

Against the incessant late showers river and sky stand
Awashed instantly autumn looks new again

Gradually fierce gales blow dreary and chill
Few souls stay by the hill or rill
In my lonely lodge only fading sunlight remains still

All vegetations green or red have withered
No more splendour
Only currents of the Yangtzi River
Flow steadily east silent as ever

I dare not ascend high to look far and around
In search of my native land lost where to be found
Homesickness abound

To my roving I sigh
Lingering here and there I know not why

My beloved must be watching from her bower with longing eyes
How oft had she mistaken a returning boat on horizon to be mine

Little would she know
I am also watching from this balcony rail
Pinning for her my heart frozen in sorrow

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