回鄉偶書 (唐) 賀知章

少小離鄉老大回      鄉音難改鬢毛衰
兒童相見不相識      笑問客從何處來

On Homecoming                                江紹倫譯

I left home while young and return in old age
My speech remains same while my scanty hair grows grey
Children here see me but know not my identity
Beaming they ask where I came originally

1 thought on “回鄉偶書 (唐) 賀知章

  1. 【回鄉偶書】 唐·賀知章
    少小離家老大回 , 鄉音無改鬢毛衰。
    兒童相見不相識 , 笑問客從何處來。
    Returning to My Village and Writing Casually — He Zhezhang (659-744)
    I come home an old man; I was young when I went away.
    My accent has not changed at all but my hair is now gray.
    I meet some village children; of course none of them knows me.
    Smiling ever so sweetly, they ask me, “From where came thee?”

    (tr. frank c w yue)

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