中國首先環球航行、測繪世界 – 糾正六百年歷史錯案

Zheng HeIn 2010, the University of Minnesota purchased a 1602 world map with Chinese text. This map presented to the Ming Emperor Wanli 萬曆 has been attributed to Matteo Ricci, the Jesuit who went to Macau in 1582 and died in Beijing in 1610. After examining the map and comparing it with 600 maps drawn between the 14th and 18th century, Dr. Siu-Leung Lee concludes that most of the information on this map is not from European sources, but is derived from Chinese sources around 1430, especially from the voyages led by Zheng He 鄭和. Thus, the Chinese had completed circumnavigation of the world more than 60 years before Christopher Columbus sailed to the Americas. Dr. Lee refutes in great detail three commonly accepted dogma in conventional western history: 1. Columbus discovered America; 2. Zheng He did not go farther west than East Africa; 3. Ricci introduced cartography of the globe to China. Most Western textbooks covering the last 600 years of world history should therefore be corrected, and should give due credit to Chinese navigators as pioneers of world exploration……(Lecture at Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto)

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