《送孟浩然之廣陵》__ (唐) 李白

故人西辭黃鶴樓     煙花三月下揚州
孤帆遠影碧山盡     唯見長江天際流

Farewell – on seeing Meng Hao-jan off from Brown Crane Tower as he took his departure for Kuang-lin, tr by Father John Turner

And so, dear friend, at Brown Crane Tower you,
Bidding the West adieu,
‘Mid April mists and blossoms go,
Till in the vast blue-green
Your lonely sail’s far shade no more is seen,
Only on the sky’s verge the River’s flow.

Farewell to Meng Hao Ran at Yellow Crane Tower
tr By S L Kong (1953)

My bosom friend is sailing west from the Yellow Crane Tower
Destination Yangzhou where late spring flowers shower
His lone sail diminishes where the sky limit lies yonder
In the horizon only the Yangtze’s flow continues further

Seeing off Meng Haoran for Guangling at Yellow Crane Tower
tr By Arthur Cooper

My old friend’s said goodbye to the west, here at Yellow Crane Tower,
In the third month’s cloud of willow blossoms, he’s going down to Yangzhou.
The lonely sail is a distant shadow, on the edge of a blue emptiness,
All I see is the Yangtze River flow to the far horizon.

1 thought on “《送孟浩然之廣陵》__ (唐) 李白

  1. may i post the following rendition for comments, please.

    故人西辭黃鶴樓, 煙花三月下揚州。
    孤帆遠影碧空盡, 惟見長江天際流。

    Bidding Meng Haoran Adieu, leaving for Guangling
    (Yangzhou) Li Bai
    M’old friend is journeying east of Yellow Crane Tow’r,
    Downstream to Yangzhou amid misty April flow’rs.
    Lone sail disappears down the edge of the azure sky;
    Still, toward the horizon the Yangtze is rolling by.


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