Episode 9 – Seville – home of fan language
Seville has rather hilly roads which had not discouraged the walking tourists. The town is also rich in its own culture, customs and festivals. When you got a good thing, every city claims to be its inventor. Such is the case for flamingo and Jamom (the ham). Seville is not any different than any other place. It also claims to be the origin of flamingo. We all got absorbed by the intensity of this dance form. The little suggestive gestures from the hands, the constant gazing of the eye, the rich costumes that enhance every bit of the fluid body movement, commands a total stranger of this art like me for deep admiration. The music is hot. The crowd is steaming. Just pass the wine and I do not think I will make it home to-night.
The Seville University is one of the oldest universities in Spain. The outside wall of the school showed some incredible sculpture. It should be a place of must visit for all art lovers. I did not have the chance to see it as we were rushed to another narrow pathway where we got totally entertained by this fan language demonstration.
In the old days, ladies are supposed to be conserved, reserved, and preserved. But once in a while the body hormone is playing games with the mind. Ah-le-luah, they meet some distinguish young men. The mind says yes to the courtship but the tradition says no to any signs of encouragement. The fan, being part of the components of proper attire, comes in as an instrument to express feelings of hope and luring. Of course there are mistaken signs and that is when comedy of error happens.
One must study the fan language of courtship to be well prepared in receiving the gentle and subtle sign from the ladies. Casanova got full mark in this, Don Juan also got a distinction in this fan language exam, even Napoleon uttered, “Laissez-moi éventer autour de vous” (let me fan around you)
The following is a brief surmise of the fan language:
To hold it in the left ear. I want you to leave me alone.
To let slide it on the forehead. You have changed.
To move it with the left hand. They are watching us.
To change it to the right hand. You are imprudent.
To throw the fan. I hate you.
To move it with the right hand. I love another.
To let slide it on the cheek. I want you.
To hold it closed. Do you love me?
To let slide it on the eyes. Go away, please.
To touch the edge of the hand fan with the fingers. I want to talk to you.
To hold it on the right cheek. Yes.
To hold it on the left cheek. No.
To open and close it. You are cruel.
To leave it hanging. We will continue being friends.
To fan slowly. I am married.
To fan quickly. I am engaged.
To hold the fan in the lips. Kiss me.
To open it slowly. Wait for me.
To open the hand fan with the left hand. Come and talk to me.
To strike it, closed, on the left hand. Write me.
To semiclose it in the right and on the left. I cant.
To hold it opened, covering the mouth. I am single.
There are a lot more signals that are waiting to be discovered. Once you found them, you have to post them on the internet and then go to Geneva and register with the “international fan language council.” In due time, these moments of treasure will be published in the monthly issue of “fan language journal”. If you really work at it, someday you will get a star on the sidewalk of “Dubai fan language Institute”
There is never any “shawl language”. I wish there is.