The Mediterranean Cruise (Part 12 of 13)

Episode 10 Barcelona (II), I found a friend.

Our hotel was on top of the train station. There was no discount of activities there. The first day when we arrived, we asked for a recommended restaurant which we could test the tapas. We were referred to this little restaurant within walking distance from the hotel.

We sat down for lunch and we did not know what to order. Our server came. He was a tall, muscular man with a long face. He was in his 50s or 60s yet he had this lovely smile on him. Using my broken Spanish and whatever limited vocabulary; I asked him what was good. He said he understood French but no English.

I saw the little dishes of food on the counter and I ventured over to see them. We decided on paella, marinated mushroom, mussels, ham, and some other things. The paella tasted pre-cooked and the rest of the food was pretty standard. The server was nice to allow us to share our food. I also found an unusual dish which later I found out it was dried pig snout. This thing was so chewy that I almost broke my teeth in them.

Lunch was over, the little talk began. The server asked us where we were from and whether we were Japanese. We carried on our conversation with sign language and broken words. I finally broke down and stretched my hand and told him my name was David and he said his was Fernando. We made friends.

The next evening, we went back to see Fernando and this time he gave me a hug. We ordered our meals. The grilled calamari’s were not too great. But then Fernando kept bringing us free things to try. Sardines with olives and olive oil, simple pasta dish and wine started to fill the whole table. By now, I thought the whole restaurant knew about Fernando’s new friend. The chefs poked their heads out of the kitchen to see who we were. Fernando’s regular patrons were also surprised with the way we communicated. It was fun and my face turned red with the wine.

Day three, we were back to the restaurant. Fernando was not there. Now we found a server by the name Stefania who knew enough English to be the translator. I bought a bottle of wine for Fernando but he was not in sight. May be I should drink the damn thing myself. We ordered paella again; only this time would take 25 minutes. It was made from scratch. Fernando rushed into the restaurant. Apparently he had been out of town visiting. The server from the restaurant phoned him about our presence and Fernando came back. He pulled me aside and showed me a picture of his new grandson. The baby was still pink in color. I offered the wine and he was so happy.

He brought out champagne. I could not drink the whole bottle and yet I tried. It was a happy occasion. I admired his simplicity of style. His unpretentious manner let me know he was true with his feelings. Who could resist such a warm reach of friendship?

After free dessert – by then I was feeling more than happy from the champagne, and I utter these words to him copying the tone of voice from the Godfather.

“mi nombre es david que es por la fe que yo encontrara un amigo en usted.
No soy nadie y aún le hablo con mi corazón.
Verdadero que usted había sido más que la clase y usted se estira su mano de amistad que no olvidaré.
poco tiempo me quedé en Barcelona más realizaba con usted en ello
Deseo usted todo el mejor, a su nieto y su familia

Tengo que agradecer a Stephanie por echarnos una mano en nuestra
Tengo que agradecer a Stephanie por echarnos una mano en nuestra comunicación. Voy a aprender más español entonces puedo dirigirme a usted mejor.
podemos ser lejos del uno al otro y nuestros corazones son justo como vecinos.
tenga cuidado y estar bien.

my name is david it is by faith that I found a friend in you.
I am a nobody in a strange land and yet I speak to you with my true heart.
You had been more than kind and you stretch out your hand of friendship which I will not forget the favour.
the little time I stayed in Barcelona was more fulfilling with you in it
I wish you all the best, to your grandson and your family”

We exchanged hugs and addresses and we promised to write each other.

(If you believe I said all the above, you can be taken as a mark = a target)

Yes, we left ways of communicating and I am truly happy I found a new friend in Barcelona. This is the truth.

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