Trip to Spain, Portugal (Part 11 of 17)

Episode 11 – Lisbon – when there is a will, there is a way

Pena garden and castle

Pena garden and castle

When we were in Portugal, we visited the Sintra castle. There are mixed stories about this castle. Some said it was used as a prison for royalties. Some said it was a summer palace. I just followed the crowd and enjoyed the scenery.

This patch of land is the former vacation site for the monarchy. It is full of vegetation, estates and summer palaces. Inside the castle are a lot of circular staircases when eventually made you all confused. We slide through the kitchen, dining room, living room, bed room, conference room, and it was a relief to get out of this maze. Continue reading

Trip to Spain, Portugal (Part 10 of 17)

Episode 10 – Lisbon – Columbus, Columbus

The main street of Lisbon

The main street of Lisbon

Columbus was one mysterious person. The Spanish claimed he discovered the New Continent under the Spanish flag, whereas the Portuguese claimed Columbus set sail 4 times through sponsorship from the Portuguese crown. I am no historian yet I see the strong influence of sea explorers in Portuguese culture. I was just a normal tourist visiting a new place and looking forward to enjoy its food and people.

A lookout tower, military post

A lookout tower, military post

I had never been to Portugal before but the first impression was not a pleasant one. We ventured from Spain to Portugal and we could feel the mood difference right away. It could be compared to Aesop’s fable of the ant and the grasshopper. The ant (Portugal the worrier) prepared himself for the influx of the poor economy whereas the grasshopper (Spain the merrier) kept on enjoying the present day pleasure. Continue reading

Trip to Spain, Portugal (Part 9 of 17)

Episode 9 – Seville – home of fan language

Group Flamingo Dancing

Group Flamingo Dancing

Seville has rather hilly roads which had not discouraged the walking tourists. The town is also rich in its own culture, customs and festivals. When you got a good thing, every city claims to be its inventor. Such is the case for flamingo and Jamom (the ham). Seville is not any different than any other place. It also claims to be the origin of flamingo. We all got absorbed by the intensity of this dance form. The little suggestive gestures from the hands, the constant gazing of the eye, the rich costumes that enhance every bit of the fluid body movement, commands a total stranger of this art like me for deep admiration. The music is hot. The crowd is steaming. Just pass the wine and I do not think I will make it home to-night. Continue reading

Trip to Spain, Portugal (Part 8 of 17)

Episode 8 – Gibraltar – A Gem at Sea

We read about Gibraltar when we were young and it was difficult to image great general like Napoleon would fight over this piece of rock. When we went up the hill and looked down, Gibraltar is such a military strategic point since it can reach Spain, Portugal and Africa within a short distance. The rock is the perfect guard controlling the passage way between Atlantic and the Mediterranean.

Cave Scene

Cave Scene

This is a cute little island. It is its own country now. Banking and tourism remain the strongest industry it has. We finally reached this island after a long coach ride. It is very interesting to observe 2 different languages spoken at the custom office. The English on the island are boastful, loud and very outspoken. We turned our attention to sightseeing. Continue reading

Trip to Spain, Portugal (Part 7 of 17)

Episode 7 – The worst invention of all times

The traditional coffee made in an urn is facing extinction. Coffee is supposed to be consumed hot. The best coffee remains as the fresh brewed coffee. Then the experts say the flavour and taste of coffee will react reversely with time. It will be excellent condition if coffee can be brewed fresh every single time. This is difficult to monitor. It becomes a rivalry between convenience and taste. So there is machine which can brew different varieties of coffee in single portion on demand.

The morning call was at 6. The coach departs at 7:30. I and the other 200 people rushed down to the hotel dining room for breakfast. I need my morning coffee to kick-start the motor. The good old reliable huge coffee urn which could feed hundreds of people could not be found. There was a box with buttons resembling a desktop computer surrounded by cups and saucers. It took at least 30 seconds to brew a single cup of coffee. Continue reading

Trip to Spain, Portugal (Part 6 of 17)

Episode 6 – Granada – Vacation Land

Alhambra (*)

Alhambra (*)

This part of Spain is reaching the Southern part of the country. There are major vacation land close by. Beaches are frequent and many. The population of the small towns along the coast had been ballooning up for the past 10 years or so. The area along Costa del Sol had been very popular. Vacation home flourished. The entertainment and hospitality industries grow by leaps and bounds. The Spanish people are still taking things rather easily. There are some major tall buildings and shopping centers but they paled in the pace of North American development.

The most famous sightseeing area belongs to Alhambra which is a palace built with strong Moorish influence. Together with the Generalife Garden and the Royal palaces could employ your whole day of Excursion. Continue reading

Trip to Spain, Portugal (Part 5 of 17)

Episode 5 – Valencia


Mucia is the orchard for Spain. It has perfect weather for all kinds of vegetation, especially for citrus fruits. The most famous fruit is the orange. Valencia oranges are famous all over the world. There is a variety called Valencia blood orange which is used more for jams and preserves. Lately there is a big interest in growing rice.

When you visit Europe, there are a few things that are so much in common. You have to be prepared to visit Cathedrals. These old buildings all have their own unique styles. Close by the cathedrals are always some piazza (town square). A town square is a place for people to meet, exchange gossips and information, and to gather. All activities are branched out from town squares. Education institutes, parks and recreation areas, markets and business areas can never by too far away. Always remember the word of Santa Cruz which is “Holy Cross”. This name is so commonly used; you will find it almost in every town. Continue reading

Trip to Spain, Portugal (Part 4 of 17)

Episode 4 – Barcelona – A City You Can Fall in Love With (III)

Old Town

Old Town

When you are in Barcelona, do not forget about La Rambla – the street where action is. Do spend some time to go through the narrow streets around that area and you will run into some pleasant surprise.

Off the side streets of La Rambla is an older part of town – namely ‘Old Town’. There are numerous hostels and inexpensive hotels within that area. You will constantly see youngsters entering and exiting these buildings with their luggage on wheels. Some of them travel with just their back-packs. This reminds me of the 70s when university students wanted to explore the world. They would take a year off school and travelled in Europe for the experience. A lot of them travelled light and they chose the most inexpensive way of travelling – thumbing – hitchhiking. It is exciting so long as you watch out for danger. Those days are long gone now, but the basic explorer spirit still lives on in the younger generation. Continue reading

Trip to Spain, Portugal (Part 3 of 17)

Episode 3 – Barcelona – A City You Can Fall in Love With (II)

Hot Pink is the Colour!

Hot Pink is the Colour!

If you are a shopping person, you will love Barcelona. The prices of goods in Barcelona are by far the least expensive in Spain. Madrid is very advance in style, Toledo is intrigue in its workmanship, but Barcelona has the best combination of everything.

Take L3 – the blue line in Metro and get off at Passiag de Garcia. It is a boulevard spotted by brand name stores. It is also a short distance away from one of the Gaudi houses. There are also a lot of mid-range price stores along the way. Their merchandises are stylish enough to stand the test of time. The colours are fresh and vibrant and yet the prices are often 20% less when compared with other cities. You walk and you get tired. There are lots and lots of roadside cafés that can quench your desires. You can have wine, sangria, beer, ice-cream, at the cafés, sit and watch the lovely Spanish girls walk by with their cheerful laughter. You can also watch the intensity of tourists with maps searching for their destinations with the little time they can afford. Continue reading

Trip to Spain, Portugal (Part 2 of 17)

Episode 2 – Barcelona – A City You Can Fall in Love With

The advantage of being senior is incredible. All of a sudden I pay admission fees to a lot of museums, galleries and tourist sightseeing points at a hefty discount. This arrangement motivates me to see more and explore more. We do not need to shy away from anything. The authorities take the discounting very seriously and check for ID. So guard your passports well after you use them.

Entrance at the Iconic La Rambla

Transportation in Barcelona is not as difficult as it looks. Just follow the colours. The roads and streets in Europe are mostly in a spider web form. The piazzas are the centers and main avenues would branch out like the spokes of a wheel. If you are lost, do not panic, follow the road straight and eventually you will reach another connecting piazza.  Then you can find your location easier on the map.

Another tip to help is to carry a name card of the place you are staying. The last solution is to jump into a cab and show the name card with the address of your hotel and you can reach home safe. Continue reading