七步詩 曹植 (192-232)


Written on seven paces by Demand     tr. By S L Kong (1953)

Beans weep boiling in pot
Being cooked fired by its own stalk
Growing up we stemmed from the same root
Providence allows no haste we each other boot

tr by Robert Li (1959) and Philip Lee (1960)

From the pot of frying beans on a beanstalk fire;
Came weeping from the beans in the pot of dire;
Since the beans and stalk were derived from the same root of distinction;
Why the urgency in a rush for mutual destruction.

Seven-Pace Song     tr. By Father John Turner, S.J. (WYCHK 1946-47; 1949-61)

Beans in flame that bean stalks feed
Out from the pan cry
Sprung from the same stalk, what need
Each the other fry

曹植“七步成詩”的廣為流傳:「煮豆燃豆萁,豆在釜中泣。本是同根生,相煎何太急?」(见于《三国演义》),然而這首詩不見於陳壽的《三國志》,最早見於南朝 劉義慶的《世說新語·文學》,《世说新语》记载着魏文帝曹丕妒忌曹植的才学,命曹植在七步之内作出一首诗,否则将被处死,曹植在不到七步之内便吟出:「煮豆持作羹,漉菽以为汁。萁在釜下燃,豆在釜中泣。本自同根生,相煎何太急?」但此詩是否為曹植所著作,至現今仍有爭議。   维基百科 __ YK Chan

2 thoughts on “七步詩 曹植 (192-232)

  1. A Verse Demanded during Seven Paces
    Cao Zhi

    Flaming beanstalks cook the beans;
    in a caldron weep those greens.
    We sprouted from the same roots;
    why grueling so urgent and mean?

  2. 【七步成詩】 魏·曹植
    煮豆燃豆箕, 豆在釜中泣。
    本是同根生, 相煎何太急。

    Poem Composed in Seven Paces (by command of the King of Wei)
    Cao Zhi (Wei of the Three Kingdoms)
    To cook beans, dried beanstalks are used as firewood.
    All the heated beans cry and cry loud in the wok:
    “Didn’t we come from the same root on which we all stood?
    Why do you grill us so? O What a woeful shock!”

    (tr. frank c w yue)

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