《觀滄海》曹操 (155~220)

東臨碣石    以觀滄海
水何澹澹    山島竦峙
樹木叢生    百草豐茂
秋風蕭瑟    洪波涌起
日月之行    若出其中
星漢燦爛    若出其裏
幸甚至哉    歌以詠志

The Sea                      Cao Cao (155-220)                             江紹倫譯

From the Rocky Hill on eastern shore
I stand to watch the sea in awe
How the waves rock the beaches boisterous
How island mountains stand bold and marvellous

Trees of varying sizes grow competing to reach the sun
A hundred species of grass thrive green as one
Whence the autumn wind blows bleak
Billows surge to show thunderous feats

The sun and moon revolve in good time daily
They rise and fall as if from the deep
Stars from the Milky Way twinkle ever so gaily
They always return to sea to sleep

How grateful I feel to be here
I sing this song for memory to adhere

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