《Science, Séance and Red Herring – Reflections on a life in microbial science》YK Chan (65)

Part 1 – Early and late Canadian life

Two historical world events dominated international news in the mid 1960s as the Vietnam War was at its peak, and the tsunami of the Chinese Cultural Revolution was rippling into Hong Kong.  The latter’s violent mass movement was sending Mainland Chinese youths and liberal intellectuals into an odyssey.  Shortly afterwards, like several of my innocent Wah Yan classmates, I plunged into Winnipeg in this great north from the subtropical climate in Hong Kong to pursue post-secondary studies after matriculation.  Unlike most of my matriculation science classmates, I had no intention or interest to enter medical school.  Since then, living in Canada has been offering me the taste of changing seasons as musically painted in Vivaldi’s four violin concerti.  Perhaps, variety is the spice of life that embellishes it with brilliance and colours.

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【秋】致好友 To Bosom Friends

Tr. YK Chan 2014-09-07

秋 Fall
似酒 Like wine
味醇厚 Tastes mellow and thick
歲月悠悠 Time streams leisurely
轉身又回首 Turn around to look back again
再撫喜樂哀愁 Revisit all emotional joys and woes
往事如煙花依舊 The past looks like firework that’s gone by
唯友誼綿長如水流 Only friendship as a river meanders forever
只緣一路有你陪著走 Walking along the same path by your side
沐晨曦擷彩霞雨中漫遊 At dawn in drenching rain and colourful mist we stroll
待到紅葉濃時再聚首 Until leaves turn crimson we again get together
品茶論酒賞石敘舊 In reunion to savour fine tea, wine or jewel
落英滿地雲舒袖 Waving arms above that flowered-covered ground
歡聲笑語不休 Boisterous laughter and cheer end not
夕陽掛枝頭 When the sun setting upon tree tops
紅塵看透 Peering through mundane life bygone
別無求 Nothing else to wish for
靜候 But serenely await
秋 Fall

(正念反念,意境不同。 A different mood is felt when the original Chinese version is read in forward or reverse.)

祝中秋快樂! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!





Wu ChengEn (1501-1582) “Woodcutter’s Song
Translated by William John Francis Jenner (b. 1940)*

Watching the chess game I cut through the rotten,
Felling trees, chop, chop.
Strolling at the edge of the cloud and the mouth of the valley,
I sell firewood to buy wine,
Cackling with laughter and perfectly happy.

By a green path in autumn,
I pillow myself on a pine root, looking up at the moon.
When I wake up it is light.
Recognizing the old forest
I scale cliffs and cross ridges,
Cutting down withered creepers with my axe.

When I’ve gathered enough to make a load
I walk down to the market with a song.
And trade it for three pints of rice.
Nobody else competes with me,
So prices are stable.
I don’t speculate or try sharp practice,
Couldn’t care less what people think of me,
Calmly lengthening my days.
The people I meet
Either Taoists or Immortals,
Quietly sitting to expound the Yellow Court.
* British sinologist/translator

胡笳十八拍 13,14,15 (东汉) 蔡琰 [文姬]

Eighteen Refrains on Tartar Pipes 13,14,15 Cai Yan [Cai Wenji] (ca. 177-?)
Tr. YK Chan 陈耀国译

This late in life my successful repatriation is not expected,
My blouse’s wetted by tears as my Tartar sons are hugged tight.

With the Han emissary and a four-horse-drawn carriage standing by,
Wildly I wail but who cares even when my wailing voices die?

In life-death departure, grieving for my boys the sun shines no more; return them not to me before they grow up?
A step farther away from them my feet cannot move,
Though their images are disappearing, my love for them is not remov’d.

At thirteenth refrain the tempo accelerates and melody turns grave,
No one but me know that I fall apart into an abysmal cave.

Repatriated without my sons for upbringing,
My heart forever starves of all my longings.

Everything thrives or dies according to the seasons,
But my sorrow and bitterness never waive with reasons.

In this whole wide world we’ll ne’er meet again,
Late at night in my dream you two come to me again.

Dreaming of holding your hands I’m split between joy and grief,
Awake my heart pangs never stop to offer me relief.

By fourteenth refrain my sobs and tears mingle,
Like a stream flowing east my thoughts tingle.

The tempo accelerates at fifteenth refrain,
Who’d recognize sulking and anger sound like twain?

处 庐兮偶殊俗,愿得归兮天从欲。
Staying in Tartar camp at odds with their custom,
Heaven grants my wish of returning home I fathom.

Repatriating to Han I’m gladly satisfied,
But sadness in my heart is intensified.

The sun and moon shine all over but not on me,
For I can’t bear being separated my sons from me

Under the same sky yet we can ne’er meet,
About each other’s well being where to seek?