
《To Li Cao in a Drizzling Evening》 Wei Yingwu

楚江微雨裡  A light drizzle along the Yangzi River
建業暮鐘時  The Evening toll in Nanjing sounds near
漠漠帆來重  Broad sails moving leisurely following the rain
冥冥鳥去遲  Homing birds fly slowly on laden wings Continue reading

《章臺夜思》 韋莊(836 — 910)__ 江紹倫英譯

《章臺夜思》  韋莊(836 — 910)
《Night Thoughts on Terrace Tower》  Wei Zhuang

清瑟怨遙夜  A sighing lute laments the night being long
繞弦風雨哀  The string melodies sad as wind and rain
孤燈聞楚角  By the lamplight I hear bugles roaring on
殘月下章台  Beyond Terrace Tower the moon steadily wanes Continue reading

《江鄉故人偶集客舍》戴叔倫(732-789)__ 江紹倫英譯

《Meeting My Old Friend by Chance at an Inn》Dai Shulun

天秋月又满  A full moon hangs on an autumn sky
城闕夜千重  This city harbours a thousand roofs on this night
還作江南會  What a wonder we meet in this southern land
翻疑夢裡逢  Could it be just a dream for us to comprehend Continue reading

《雜詩》無名氏(唐代) __ 江紹倫英譯

《A Poem》 Anonymous (Tang Dynasty)

近寒食雨草萋萋  Grass grows lush with rains from Cold Food Day
著麥苗風柳咉堤  Wheat stalks wave while willows cast shadows in lake
等是有家歸不得  Concerned that my home is too far for me to return
杜鵑休向耳邊啼  I ask cuckoos not to sing their homeward songs

《春雨》李商隱 (813-858) __ 江紹倫英譯

《春雨》李商隱 《Spring Rain》Li Shang Yin 

悵卧新春白祫衣  Listlessly I lie in early spring wearing white
白門寥落意多違  To the White Gate I searched for you a plight
紅樓隔雨相望冷  Beyond the mists your red chamber is cold to behold
珠箔飄燈獨自歸  Alone I ride my carriage in dim light to go home Continue reading

《春草》《桃花溪》張旭(658-747) __ 江紹倫英譯

《春草》張旭  《Spring Grass》Zhang Xu

青草青青萬里餘  Spring grass greens ten thousand li
邊城落日見離居  The sun sets at the frontier town before parting you and me
情知海上三年別  I knew we would be separated for three years overseas
不寄雲間一紙書  I write not a single letter for the clouds to carry Continue reading


《Poem Random in 1839》 Gong Zi Zhen(1792-1847)

浩蕩離愁白日斜  Grand scale parting grief continues to day’s end
吟鞭東指即天涯  I sing on horseback my whip points to yonder land
落紅不是無情物  Fallen petals show not their loss of vital utility
化作春泥更護花  They integrate with earth to nurture flowers continually

《與諸子登峴山》《臨洞庭上張丞相》《夏日辨玉法師茅齋》孟浩然(689-740) __ 江紹倫英譯

《與諸子登峴山》《Up Mt. Xian with Friends》Meng Hao Ran

人事有代謝  Human affairs go through vicissitudes
往來成古今  They rise and recede so history constitutes
江山留勝跡  Immortal sites remain bright in hills and rills
我輩復登臨  We visit them to admire and feel Continue reading

《山坡羊‧自警》曲 – 喬吉(1280-1345)__ 江紹倫英譯

《Singing to Myself》  Qiao Ji (1280-1345)

清風閑坐                           I sit relaxed in cool breezes
白雲高臥                           White clouds lie high at ease
面皮不受時人唾                  To people’s critical views I defy
樂跎跎                              Happily I sigh
笑呵呵                              Laughingly I peal Continue reading