In Loving Memory: Rolly Fox

Rolly FoxYou may have already heard the news that Terry’s wonderful dad Rolly died last night surrounded by his family. Please take a moment to read the beautiful tribute written by his children and grandchildren. Thank you for your incredible support of The Terry Fox Foundation.

“Our Dad and Grandpa is no longer telling jokes. Rolland Murray Fox died late afternoon on March 8th while listening to a little Hank Williams. He fulfilled his promise to Terry facing cancer with courage, grace and plenty of humour. He thanked everyone, every time as they left the room after caring for him and each and every family member and friend after a visit. Continue reading


(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)


最近,有位金舖老板,在家休息時,被賊人劫持,再回金舖洗劫。自此以後,老板有如驚弓之烏,家門窗全部上鎖、加鐵枝,更裝上 high tech 一流的防盜系統。


又編造 一份「不得入內」(No Entry List) 的黑名單,嚴禁不良份子的混入。 Continue reading

《老人院》__ 陳柏齡 (71)

LTC_12014 年尾,陰雨紛紛。九十六歲母親的風濕骨痛來了,失禁,不能走路,需要人喂食……兄妹二人决定,時候到了,送她進老人院。

