《風城探仔》__ 陳柏齡 (71)

Windy City 芝加哥的四月,還有雪花飛舞,從密歇根湖吹來的寒風刺面。春天未到風城,楓樹如柴無新葉。我們夫妻兩來一個,「風城探仔」。
一轉眼就三年。2013 年,我們陪兒子到這「西北大學」之後,就再沒有來過了。那「金榜題名」的日子已經過去,現在離開畢業典禮越來越接近。這世界再無「畢業分配」,只有「畢業找工」。
兒子邀父母來探望他,理由是:「Every time my buddies parents come to visit them, they buy me dinner. It is time to repay them.」


[youtube_sc url=”Vsr5gpmmvhs” rel=”0″]

那一天我們會飛(2015)   大家樂 (1975)    青春兒女 (1959)
青春兒女(在九華) [李潤明老師(’75; 1987-  )剪輯]。

~ 蘇中平校長。

WhatsApp adds end-to-end encryption

WhatsApp_e_w300Instant messaging service Whatsapp has announced it will encrypt all its users’ communications from Tuesday.

With end-to-end encryption, messages are scrambled as they leave the sender’s device and can only be decrypted by the recipient’s device. It renders messages unreadable if they are intercepted, for example by criminals or law enforcement.

Whatsapp, which has a billion users worldwide, said file transfers and voice calls would be encrypted too. The Facebook-owned company said protecting private communication was one of its “core beliefs…..(read the whole story)


中央電視台《中國詩詞大會》節目正在熱播中,節目共10期,於2月12日起每晚出,至4月15日結束。Chinese_peotry _tournament