
Sitka,Alaska 是當今世界上釣魚最佳的地方。那裡是一個寧靜的近海小城,無污染少遊人,starbucks還沒有在此地開店。下榻在這專營釣魚生意的旅館,人們夜不閉門。每戶分配小車一部,車鎖匙就放在司機位,無需鎖車。
想當年,俄國人在這裡橫行霸道。到而今,有海盗血統的維京人在經營sport fishing 生意。

《An Essay for Asian American Studies》__ Adam Chen

Ping Tom Memorial Park

Ping Tom Memorial Park



A Walk in the Park
On a sunny afternoon in the heart of Chicago, children speed around on bicycles as parents relax under a small, Chinese-style pagoda. Near the pagoda stands an inconspicuous granite bust and inscription dedicated to the park’s namesake. The public site I chose to visit was the Ping Tom Memorial Park situated in Chicago’s Chinatown.

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(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

Jimmy Kimmel Announces Vice Presidential Run

美国时间周四晚上,著名深夜脱口秀节目“吉米鸡毛秀”(JimmyKimmel Live)主持人坎摩尔正式宣布参与2016大选,竞选副总统。




His official website:    JK4VP.com

《初學高爾夫之「新手落場」》 __ 陳柏齡 (71)

所住城市有一個高爾夫球場。每月的會費$29.99。可以每天在 driving ranch 打二百個球,等於一天一美元。
我的師傅有越南仔,日裔老人,香港過氣紳士,大陸無牌醫生,鬼, 墨西哥貨車司機。還有以前波樓的江湖豪傑現為退休人仕,還有看 YouTube 上的 PGA 教練。我就是沒有女人教,缺了屠嬌嬌。 閱讀全文

2016 Mother’s Day_ “Let it Be”


Paul_McMartneyMcCartney said he had the idea of “Let It Be” after he had a dream about his mother…. According to McCartney, the song’s reference to “Mother Mary” was not a biblical reference. The phrase has at times been used as a reference to the Virgin Mary,… in fact, the words “let it be” are a direct quote from the Prayer of the Annunciation… Nevertheless, McCartney explained that his mother – who died of cancer when he was fourteen – was the inspiration for the “Mother Mary” lyric.  He later said: “It was great to visit with her again. I felt very blessed to have that dream. So that got me writing ‘Let It Be’.”  He also said in a later interview about the dream that his mother had told him, “It will be all right, just let it be.” When asked if the song referred to the Virgin Mary, McCartney has typically answered the question by assuring his fans that they can interpret the song however they would like. [Let It Be]