《生命的節奏》__ 余綺華

[Note: We are happy to share this article from Teresa Yu with our readers. She is sister of John余蔚廷 (’65), Marcus余蔚文 and Louis余蔚琪 (both ’67). She had taught both at Smith College and Simon Fraser University.]

讀哲學的人常會問⼀些抽象或難以解答,卻又是極基本的問題。 宇宙為何有存在而非一無所有呢?人的意志是真的自由嗎? 人能有真正客觀的體認嗎? 數目這個東西是真實的嗎? 數目是實在地存在着還是人類從玄虛中構想出來的? 最後這兩個相關的問題,記得我年紀還小的時候, 就糊里糊塗地想過。 我總覺得數目這東西很奇妙, 它好像有自己獨立的生命,然而又跟現實生活有很直接的關係。


《Early memories of Hong Kong 》__ Teresa Yu

[Note: We are happy to share this article from Teresa Yu with our readers. She is sister of John余蔚廷 (’65), Marcus余蔚文 and Louis余蔚琪 (both ’67). She had taught both at Smith College and Simon Fraser University.]WaterRationing

They called it “a borrowed place within a borrowed time.”  And that was how we all felt about Hong Kong growing up there years ago.  My parents never dreamt of living, not to mention raising a family there.  It was all an accident or, rather, the result of collective bad karma…

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《白日夢》讀後感 余綺華

[Note: We are happy to share this article from Teresa Yu with our readers. She is sister of John余蔚廷 (’65), Marcus余蔚文 and Louis余蔚琪 (both ’67). She had taught both at Smith College and Simon Fraser University.]

3數月前谢琰先生送我一本構思和印刷都很精美的册子。这是黄永强醫生最近出版的一套精装的影集, 其中穿插着相應的文字,像散文,又像诗,還有謝先生的英文翻譯。作者在序言中提出兩個問題: 宇宙是怎样形成的?  人生的目的是什麽? 這是一個很大的课題。 黄醫生說他的影集不想、也無可能解答關於人生的一些嚴肅問題。 他只是想用攝影去表現他對生命的一些感受。集内的文字像獨白。集子名為《白日夢—一些關於人生的囈語》(Reverie—Soliloquies on Life), 很有一份自謙的幽默,甚是别緻。
