911 Dispatchers

(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

(sing to the tune of GHOSTBUSTERS)
To Mayor Rob Ford

If there’s something strange
in your neighborhood
Who ya gonna call?
911 dispatchers

If there’s something weird
and it don’t look good
Who ya gonna call?
911 dispatchers

I ain’t afraid of no ghosts
I ain’t afraid of Mary Walsh

If you’re seeing red
coming at you on your driveway
Who can ya call?
911 dispatchers

An amazon woman
Scare you in your home
Who ya gonna call?
911 dispatchers

I ain’t afraid of no ghosts
I ain’t afraid of Mary Walsh

Who ya gonna call?
911 dispatchers

If ya all alone
pick up the phone
and call
911 dispatchers

I ain’t afraid of no ghosts
I really likes the girls (never used the b word)
I ain’t afraid of Mary Walsh
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

Who ya gonna call?
911 dispatchers

If you’ve had a dose of a
freaky 22 minutes
Ya better call
911 dispatchers

Lemme tell ya something
Swearing makes me feel good!

I ain’t afraid of no ghosts
I ain’t afraid of Mary Walsh

Don’t get caught alone no no


When she comes to your door
Unless you just want some more
I think you better call
911 dispatchers

Who ya gonna call?
911 dispatchers

Who ya gonna call?
911 dispatchers

I think you better call
911 dispatchers

Who ya gonna call?
911 dispatchers

I can’t hear you
Who ya gonna call?
911 dispatchers

911 dispatchers

Who ya gonna call?
911 dispatchers

Who can ya call?
911 dispatchers

Who ya gonna call?


(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

1. 魚翅, 我所欲也, 熊掌, 亦我所欲也, 二者不可得兼, 舍熊掌而取魚翅者也。

2. 本来, 唔想咁張揚, 偷偷地將的鯊魚翅割落嚟, 再將條魚拋番落海, 任佢自生自滅, 咁就神不知, 鬼不覺, 繼續搏命揾銀啦。點知爆咗出来, 街知巷聞, 連政客都齊齊站出来, 要禁售魚翅, 毀我生財之路。

3. 而家喊通了天, 連那些大白鯊也聽到風聲, 發起了荷理活 JAWS 式的「大白鯊復仇記」, 最近在澳洲就發生了三宗, 鯊魚吃人的事件。

4. 魚翅, 是中國人飲食文化, 重要的一環。中國人食嘢最嘴尖, 越難獲得的, 越是違禁品, 就越是珍貴。由鴨舌, 猴子腦, 熊掌, 活吃魚, 到蛇、猫、犬, 都能吃得津津有味, 樂道美食珍饈。

5. 説實話, 幾千年来, 我們都受了前人的欺騙。只要古人流傳下来, 譽為是「美味佳肴、滋补佳品」的食品, 我們都會狼吞虎嚥, 全部入口掃清。想深一層, 列為珍品, 又有何根據呢? 拿海味八珍来説, 其中之燕窝, 是燕子之口水, 怎能成為珍品? 鱼翅,是鲨鱼鳍中的细丝状软骨, 并不含有任何人体容易缺乏或高价值的营养, 又何补之有。

6. 香港大学生態及分類學系一项有關鱼翅的研究發现,鱼翅含有水銀或其他重金属的分量均比其他鱼类高很多。工業生產過程中的廢水不断地排入海洋,使得海水中水銀和其他重金屬含量较高,海洋生物也隨之受到影响。鲨鱼處于海洋食物鏈 (Food Chain) 的顶端,体内往往会積累大量的污染毒素。而水銀除了可能造成男性不育外,若人体内含量過高還會损害人的中樞神經系統及腎臟。因此,多吃鲨鱼肉、鱼翅可能會對人体有害。

7. 從美國的 California, 到安省的 Mississauga, Brantford, Oakville, Toronto 都实行魚翅禁售。魚翅, 已開始臭名遠播。或許改名「如厠」, 會比較貼切。


(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

有人認為, 「佔據華爾街」及其各地的流派, 都是羣衆性的自發運動, 沒有組織, 沒有目的, 柴哇哇的, 是個遲早完的新玩意, 難成大事。

又有人認為, 這是歷史的重温。令人回憶到, 七十年代的學生運動, 反越戰示威, HIPPIE’S 的 FLOWER POWER, 激發了BABY BOOMER 的懷舊心情。

更有人聯想到, 20世紀 30年代的大蕭條, 人民鼓噪, 催生了美國 NEW DEAL, 推行社會改革, 設立社會保障 (SOCIAL SECURITY)。現在全球性的經濟危機, 也可能會引至新的社會改良, 財富的再分配。

但也有人認為, 這運動只是現代青少年, 人手一個 iPHONE, 通過 SOCIAL MEDIA 来推動, FLASH MOB 式的時麾活動, 故能在短期內, 發展到八十多個國家, 千個城市。但事實看来, 參予者包括了各階層的市民, 由父母帶領的三歲孩童, 學生, 到退休的老年人, 都走上街頭, 搖旗吶喊。

而且這運動也受到各界的支持。圑体, 市民纷纷向佔據示威者, 供給食物, 醫療和法律的援助。紐約的「佔據華爾街」, 更籌集得$300,000元的捐款。

運動目的雖然還是很混亂, 不甚明確, 但總的来説, 最重要的目標就包括了, 反對企業的貪婪, 改進貧富懸殊, 財富的再分配等。運動本身就反映到, 一般民眾早已對現今社會, 經濟的狀况, 甚為不滿, 都跑到街上, 吶喊 HELP , 發出血的控訢(http://wearethe99percent.tumblr.com/) 。

人們擦亮了眼睛, 沈默的大多數, 不再沈默了。

眼見一生的儲畜, 飬老金已賠了一大半, 面對慘淡的晚年前景; 剛畢業的青年人, 已是一身債務, 又找不到工作, 更是人心惶惶。

我就是那 99% !

Why is Mayor Ford Talking (on cellphone) and Driving, Again?

(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

1. Just keeping my promise. I will take all Torontonians’ call anytime, anyplace, even when driving
2. I am the law
3. Testing a new app, tracking the gravy trains
4. I can multi-task. Talk and drive at the same time (much smarter than the other Ford, i.e. Gerald, he could only walk and chew gum at the same time)
5. The police is too busy cutting budget, no time to hand out tickets
6. Testing the new iPhone
7. No hands, mom, see, I am using the hands-free OnStar system
8. I was on duty, 微服出巡, scouting for sellable around the City, to turn into cash
9. Consulting with Doug
10. Coaching my football team


(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

很多人都認為, 音樂能陶冶性情。

在我們這博客網站, YK 也不時為我們介紹各類古典音樂。

近年, 「音樂治療」(Music Therapy) 更是一門新興的醫療方法。治療師利用一些和音樂有關的活動, 来治理病人。活動包括了彈奏樂器, 歌唱, 作曲作詞, 音樂欣賞, 歌詞分析, 甚至在作放鬆運動時播出背景音樂, 都算在內。

「音樂治療」, 希望通過音樂, 能達到以下的治療目的:

• 促進自我表逹, 溝通的能力
• 改進社交技能, 人際間的交往
• 鬆解神經, 減低精神緊張
• 增強機能活動, 提高運動技能
• 促進學習, 加強注意力
• 探討, 継而解决個人問題
• 促進個人成長, 發展

隨着互聨網絡 (Internet) 的廣泛流行, 其副產品「社群媒體」(social media), 更成為人們彼此之間用來分享意見、見解、經驗和觀點的工具和講台。最近, 有一個很特别的網頁 (EmotionalBagCheck.com) 剛面世, 它集了「音樂治療」與「社群媒體」的大成, 向讀者 / 網友提供了”Dear Abby” 式的信箱服務。網友可以匿名寫封公開信到這網頁来發表, 談論、伸訴個人的問題、苦惱; 其他網友可以提供一曲他 / 她應為聊以解慰的音樂, 以致慰問。


最近, 女歌手艾美•懷絲(Amy Winehouse) 突然逝世, 死因雖末明, 但多會與她的精神抑鬱、毒癮有關。Michael Jackson 服食過量毒品而意外身亡, 更是街知巷聞。音樂, 為什麼對這些患病的音樂家, 卻不能起治病的作用呢?

正所謂「能醫不自醫」也 !?

Gravy for Twin Fordmayor

(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

1. To be as famous as Margaret Atwood. Who is the lady anyway?

2. To be able to play reality Monopoly — Build Ford Nation, a Disney-style jaw-dropping wonderland, on our Waterfront

3. No, I am not homophobic, I once have a friend and her name is Gay

4. No, it is my brother’s idea. Interchangeability of the Twin Fordmayor

5. To be able to talk on the cell while driving, and able to give fellow driver the finger. I’m just exercising my role as mayor. No ticket please, thank you.

6. To host a new show in town — Suburgatory. A reality show to scare everybody out of Toronto, into the suburb. No residents, no spending, no tax.

7. To promote a Ford Nation Tea Party-style culture, Lingerie Football league (and eventually to hold another tourist attraction, the Lingerie Bowl), no gay parade (instead a lingerie parade?), no library (no need to be educated, want to speak out, just run for office), mmm….. May be more strip joints 😉

8. To form the Twin Fordmayor Real Estate company, and sell off all Toronto properties that we can get our hands on, to balance the budgets, so to speak

9. To hold more backyard BBQ at my mom’s place. How about a Tea Party? She is paying for them anyway, not a cent of taxpayers’ money

10. I propose to get rid of all the councillors, just me and Doug can run the whole city hall. Less expense, less tax. Amen.

Dear Jack

(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

Dear Jack,

Letter received. Thank you.

Thank you for thinking of us even during your most critical moment.

While you are embarking on your journey of the unknown, we are swirled into a black hole.

While the world is blooming with a jasmine spring, we seemed to be on a ship with a different course; our multicultural mosaic is heading towards an American style melting pot and tea party ideology.

While we are beginning to gets a glimpse of hope, but still holding our breath silently, watching anxiously the unfolding of the new order of Canada.

And suddenly, Jack, you are gone.

Please come back, Jack, you still have a lot to accomplish. Without you as our compass, our anchor and our guide, how are we going to move forward, in such dangerous time?

You reminded us of another great Canadian, Terry Fox. Mission prematurely cut short, but the movement lives on.

We simply have to pick up your cane, your torch, Jack, and charge onward; holding high, our lightning rods, thousands and thousands of them.

Together with you, we are embarking on this new journey of Hope, to build a country of greater equality, justice, and opportunity.

Jack, your teaching and spirit live on.

Top 10 Reasons Why It Is Raining Glass In Toronto?

Through Rose-Coloured Glasses

1. Congratulation ladies, you have just broken the glass ceiling

2. Publicity stunt of an umbrella company

3. Side effect of a Nuclear Meltdown

4. Global Warming

5. The fat lady sang

6. It’s only Stunt Glass, type used in Hollywood special effect

7. Made in China

8. It’s a Home Run. Who’s the Blue Jay hitter?

9. Cloudy with chance of raining glass

10. Just what the name said, the glass was tempered


(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

最近, 荷蘭有位陶教授及其同僚, 在「心理科学」雜誌上, 發表了一篇科學論文, 硏究所得, 認為一個人, 在「人有三急」的情况下, 還能控制自如, 那麼, 對於其他重要事情, 他就能作出出色的决定。

心理学家, 早已知道, 人的欲望, 例如肚餓, 口渴, 性欲, 刺激其中一項, 定能引起, 對其他欲望的興趣。但如果壓制一項欲望, 是否又會同時壓下其他欲望呢!? 這就是今次硏究的課題。

陶教授把硏究參予者分為兩組, 一組人, 要喝五大杯水, 叧一組人, 只需每一杯喝一口水; 四十分鐘後 (足夠時間給所飲之水, 排至尿道膀胱 ), 硏究員肯定參予者的, 壓制上厠的忍耐力。然後參予者作答八側問題, 都是有關短期或長期報償, 取捨的决擇。例如, 明天你就可以獲得 $16, 但如果能夠等待三十五天, 你就可以獲取$30, 你會作何决擇?

硏究所得, 能壓制上厠者, 多會壓下短期報償, 作出較長遠的打算。

從今開始, 你無須猶疑不决, 三思後行, 無論是買賣股票, 跪地求婚, 在一切要作出重要决定前, 應喝下五杯水, 等四十分鐘, 不要上厠解决, 然後才作出决擇。

古語有云: 小(便?)不忍可亂大謀。 又一例証。

The Day The Light Went Out

(Lyrics modified/ Original by Genesis)

In Memory of the Victims, of the July 2011 Norway Terrorist Attack

When they went to bed that night no-one would have believed
That in the morning light would not be there
The dark hung heavy on the air like the grip of a mad man
No place was there known to have been spared
Then anger took control of minds as anguish hit everyone
The day the light went out of the daytime sky

Artificial light could hardly penetrate the gloom
Nothing out of reach could be observed
Murder, murder and more murder became the rule of that day
What hit him no one knew but whom he hit
Innocents were caught in pileups and youth that could never breathe again
The day the light went out of the daytime sky

“How I can rest here after such horror
How I can recoup here before I continue”

Some there were who’s heads were clear who sought, tried to find
The nature of this deadly evil, the dark
It seemed the sun was still somewhere though hidden from their sight
By something, though amorphous, yet alive
And so they looked for ways to rid themselves of the cancer
The day the light went out of the daytime sky

“How I can rest here after such horror
How I can recoup here before I continue”

They tried in many fruitless ways to see the noonday sun
By blasting with their sorrow through the dark
But soon a kind of silent state came over everyone
Till nothing seemed to stir or even breathe
And when the darkness chose to disappear will many have survived?
Then came a candle – then another, and more candles had lighted
The day the light went out of the daytime sky


早一個晚上, 就寢時, 又有誰會想到,
明日, 是暗然無光
沈沈的漆黑, 緊緊地抓着, 有如狂人的魔掌
憤怒, 由絕望而生

人工電光, 衝不破那陰沉
到處, 還是黑漆一片
屠殺, 屠殺, 大屠殺, 盡在那一天
誰知道, 他為何突然着了魔, 但受害者,
一批又一批的無辜, 不再呼吸的青少年

面對這恐佈, 不能休息
沈着氣, 勇往直前

清醒的頭腦, 在追究
這邪惡, 黑暗的成因

面對這恐佈, 不能休息
沈着氣, 勇往直前

出盡辨法, 慕求重見天日
向黑暗, 放出悲痛的炮火
不久, 一切歸於沈默
靜靜的, 透不過氣来
黑暗就算消失, 生還者又有多少
一枝臘燭點着了, 又一枝, 更多的, 點着了