旅夜書懷 (唐)杜甫 (712-770)



Reflections In An Inn          Du Fu (712-770)         江紹倫譯

Short grass thrive on riverbanks cooled by breezes
Alone a tall mass stands on a boat in darkness
A sky decorated by low stars sets the plain wide
The moon bright heaves up the river’s rolling tide

My fame is not built by my writings at will
Retirement from public office is natural when old and ill
How free it feels doing little I wonder
Like a water bird between sky and land hovers

1 thought on “旅夜書懷 (唐)杜甫 (712-770)

  1. 【旅夜書懐】 杜甫
    細草微風岸 危檣獨夜舟
    星垂平野闊 月湧大江流
    名豈文章著 官應老病休
    飄飄何所似 天地一沙鷗

    One Night on My Journey Writing about My Feelings Du Fu
    Blow’ng gently ashore, the breeze bends small grass in sight;
    Sleepless, I’m in a lone boat with tall mast at night.
    The vast plain seems much wider beneath the starry dome;
    The moon swims amidst the great river’s watery foam.
    Has all my fame solely on all my poems depend’d?
    With old age and ill health, all official posts should end.
    (Now released –) What am I like drifting in the wind?
    A speck of a sandgull, between heav’n and earth seen!

    (tr. frank c w yue)

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