The Sporting Life at WYK

The Sporting Life at WYK

by Tim Kwan (67)

A Grade

B Grade

C Grade


Some time ago, I was talking to Mr. Anthony Ho, our past Vice Principal and an advisor of the Alumni Association of Ontario.  He mentioned the WYK Alumni website and blogs.  I told him I had memorable experience with sports at WYK, and was encouraged to write about it.

In many ways, sports mirror life.  The thrill, at times ecstasy, of victory and the pain of defeat amplify what one goes through.  It can teach one to deal with adversity, disappointment and failure.  To some, sports manifest life.

At WYK, we had a balanced view with sports.  Participation was encouraged, gentlemen’s conduct quietly acknowledged.  It was also a place where east meets west, and so the traditional virtue of humility at sports was valued.


I am not a regular writer.  At WYK, we have tremendous talents, not least literary.  While I thought I could write, I had the fortune (misfortune?) of sitting directly behind Sandy Ng for two years.  One glimpse at his Chinese or English composition work would dash anyone’s illusion of becoming a professional writer.

Mr. Ho and I share the goal that if other alumni will put pen on paper, or more correctly fingers on keyboards, to tell their stories in their sporting life at WYK, this project will be a success.

So we begin.
(to be continued)

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