《西河 • 金陵懷古》 周邦彥(1056-1121)__ 江紹倫英譯

《Tune: West Rill • Remembering the Ancient Capital》 Zhou Bang Yan (1056-1121)
佳麗地  The land of exceptional beauties
南朝盛事誰記  Who records the prosperity of the Six Dynaties
山圍故國繞清江  Rills meander round hills in the old country
髻鬢對起  A pair of green hills guards the river flow
怒濤寂寞打孤城  Surging billows pound the city walls powerful
風檣遙度天際  Toward the horizon tall sails steadily go

斷崖樹  Trees growiong on cliffs
猶倒倚  Hanging branches and leaves
莫愁艇子曾繫  Boats from Lake Mo Chou had moored here before
空餘舊跡  They are seen no more
郁蒼蒼  A sky in vivid green
霧沈半壘  Fallen fords their remains seen
夜深月過女牆來  The moon passes over the walls at night
賞心東望淮水  To the east she watches over River Qin Hui
酒旗戲鼓甚處市  To whom wine banners and drum beats invite
想依稀 王謝鄰里  Vaguely I recall the two legend wealthy families nigh
燕子不知何世  Swallows knew not human affairs
入尋常巷陌人家  To ordinary families in common lanes they nest
相對如說興亡  To hear stories of dynasties told
斜陽裡  In sunset glow

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