《到香港》《夜起》《己亥雜詩二首》黃遵憲(1848-1905) 江紹倫英譯

《到香港》《Visiting Hong KongHuang Zun Xiang

水是堯時日夏時Water and sun are from dynasties ancient
衣冠又是漢官儀Clothing styles are of Han tradition
登樓四望真吾土Watching from the tower all lands are our own
不見黃龍上大旗I see no yellow dragon on the flags flown

《夜起》Getting Up at Night

千聲檐鐵百淋鈴The iron-horse wind chime a thousand times ring
雨橫風狂暫一停The assault of Eight Western Powers halted for the time being
正望雞鳴天下白As we yearn to enjoy peace and security all over
又驚鵝擊海東青Russia invades our north-east arousing fear
沉陰噎噎何多日Gloomy glooms stay day after day
殘月暉暉尚幾星Under a dim moon how many people stay sane
斗室蒼茫吾獨立In the confines of my small study I stand alone
萬家酣睡幾人醒Ten thousand families in dreams could pundits keep awake

《己亥雜詩二首》《Two 1899 Poems

篳路桃弧輾轉遷Amid time and space changes we made migrations
南來遠過一千年More than a thousand years in the south we had settled
方言足證中原韻Our dialect has the same lingual tones of the central plain
禮俗猶留三代前Our decorum same as generations centuries thence

滔滔海水日趨東The rising eastern sun meets the sea in roaring waves
萬法從新要大同Human belief in equality for all is again renewed today
後二十年言定驗This ideal will be in common practice twenty years hence
手書心史井函中My prediction is contained in a note hidden deep in a den

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