《曉煙》《有感》__ 汪精衛(1883-1944) 江紹倫英譯


槲葉深黃楓葉紅    老松奇翠欲拏空
朝來別有空濛意    都在蒼煙萬頃中

初陽如月逗輕寒    咫尺林原成遠看
記得江南煙雨裡    小姑鬟影落春瀾

《Hazy Dawn》

Loaming over brown shrubs maple reds shine
Verdant greens in old pines dye up the sky
At dawn there is an air of mystery
The vast country veiled in heavy mist

The rising sun mimics the moon to tease the cool sphere
The tree-lined plain seen from a distance is whole and near
Remember the beauty of the south under misty rains
Maidens stay down river to wash their untied hair-buns in spring





Sorrows felt like illness lingering on
Reading history brings tears finding no song
Mellon vines tangle with no harvest possible
To cook peas on peapod fire is so unreasonable

Foreign pipes singing the cool moon ring up no beauty
The river-side town in painting appears in self-pity
Do not turn to view the Capital from afar
Veiled in cold mist chaos and random torture persist ajar

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