冬至诗三首, & Let the Sun Shine In 陈耀国 YK Chan



昔日未空前  明朝焉绝後

喜怒哀樂慾  无为返田園

唐敖消遥游  小山赴红文1

浮生歲月沈  征途日暮歸


()                                                   ()


早见日中天     晚靠夕阳红                    冬临耳当顺     岁长欲从心

昏黄驯白辉     暗里耀天涯                    或曰人胜天     終归大自然

银光回反昼     太阴悦眼前                    明日永不多     自负成蹉跎

斗柄正北移     银河非寒冰                    心雄非万丈     他山无汗青


1 唐敖、小山俱()李汝珍著<鏡花缘>故事中心人物。

Let the sun shine in

during winter to savour its lovingness.

Its radiance thaws the heart

and invigorates you with compassion.


Like gentle tendrils solar rays

cuddle up the slender trunk, mending where it is sore.

Its warmth curls your hair more,

darkening it and rekindling youthful lore.


Outdoors it melts the frost

that slowly encroaches like moss,

chilling your conscious mind.

Let the sun shine in and reflect back to the frost.


Let not the sun shine in during summer time

when it is too hot to mime.

So scalding it’d numb your soul,

just keep the shutters down to block its tentacles.


Let the sun shine in spring and fall,

as it brightens the days you recall.

Drive away the rain and fog,

which are too much to be at odds.


May the sun always rise on Golden Pond,

and bring reflections on the water that meanders.

Punting on the way singing an evensong,

for sure I will hear it when you come on board.

2 thoughts on “冬至诗三首, & Let the Sun Shine In 陈耀国 YK Chan

  1. Reformatted the article a bit so that it is more compatible when viewed from older monitors (with horizontal resolution of 1024 pixels).

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