2016 Mother’s Day_ “Let it Be”


Paul_McMartneyMcCartney said he had the idea of “Let It Be” after he had a dream about his mother…. According to McCartney, the song’s reference to “Mother Mary” was not a biblical reference. The phrase has at times been used as a reference to the Virgin Mary,… in fact, the words “let it be” are a direct quote from the Prayer of the Annunciation… Nevertheless, McCartney explained that his mother – who died of cancer when he was fourteen – was the inspiration for the “Mother Mary” lyric.  He later said: “It was great to visit with her again. I felt very blessed to have that dream. So that got me writing ‘Let It Be’.”  He also said in a later interview about the dream that his mother had told him, “It will be all right, just let it be.” When asked if the song referred to the Virgin Mary, McCartney has typically answered the question by assuring his fans that they can interpret the song however they would like. [Let It Be]

何日君再来 When will you come again

Tr. YK Chan

沈 华 词 苑宏昭 曲 Shen Hua, lyrics; Yun Hongzhao, melody


好花不常开 Beautiful flowers don’t always bloom
好景不常在 Beautiful sceneries don’t always show
愁堆解笑眉 Sadness desolates all smiles
泪洒相思带 Tears drench longing ties
今宵离别后 After we part tonight
何日君再来 When will you come again
喝完了这杯 Bottoms up then
请进点小菜 Please have a bite
人生能得几回醉 How often in life do we really get inebriated
不欢更何待 If you don’t enjoy life now, still awaiting what
来, Come on,
喝完这杯再说吧! Let’s finish this glass before anything else!
今宵离别后 After we part tonight
何日君再来 When will you come again
停唱阳关叠 Stop singing the farewell tune
重擎白玉杯 Cheering again with our precious glasses
殷勤频致语 Diligently and frequently we chat
牢牢抚君怀 I hold you tightly by your chest
今宵离别后 After we part tonight
何日君再来 When will you come again
喝完了这杯 Bottoms up then
请进点小菜 Please have a bite
人生能得几回醉 How often in life do we really get inebriated
不欢更何待 If you don’t enjoy life now, still awaiting what
哎! Aya!
再喝一杯,干了吧!One more again, bottoms up!
今宵离别后 After we part tonight
何日君再来 When will you come again

秋水伊人 贺绿汀

秋水伊人 My Beloved On Parting Waters
Tr. Yiu-Kwok Chan 陈耀国英译

原唱:龔秋霞(1937年) Original singer: Gong Qiuxia (1937)
作詞:賀綠汀 Lyrics: He Luding
作曲:賀綠汀 Music: He Luding
編曲:丁曉理 Arrangement: Ding Xiaoli

Looking far out on parting waters, the shadow of my beloved is nowhere seen
In the dying small hours, a lone crane whoops several times
Bygone passion has just been replaced by forlorn sights
夢魂無所寄,空有淚滿襟。 Continue reading

The Wandering Songstress Orchestral Song Suite

This recent Chinese-western fusion composition is old wine in new skin, which may supersede the Yellow River Chorus.
The song selection is filled with romantic love, but ends in nationalism against Japanese militarism.


To view the performance in completion is recommended before your evaluation.

By the way, the “Wandering Songstress”, originally sung by Zhou Chuan, has been highlighted in Lee An’s film “Lust, Caution”.